Short story of our v1.4 release in 7 posters!

Nicolas Dupont
Akeneo Labs
Published in
3 min readDec 4, 2015

At the end of 2014, our product team grew quickly, with Emilie @M_ily, our beloved product owner we were trying to share more and more the product vision.

To give more meaning to our work, one of our team action was to define a clear goal per sprint, a single word to explain the sprint objective, at this moment, our sprint duration was 3 weeks.

Stéphane @yulldesign, our very new UX designer had a crazy idea, for each sprint, he’ll do a poster which will be presented as the introduction of the sprint review.

So, here is the short story of our v1.4 release in 7 posters!

Our sprint Zero was “Machette”, to roughly prepare the list of stories to come, do proof of concepts and identify potential dependencies between features.

Our sprint One was “Telescope”, to be able to give visibility on the coming months.

Our sprint Two was “2/7”, to finish the first 2 epics of the 7 we had engaged to work on.

Our sprint Three was, hum … how to say that, I was Scrum Master at this moment and I didn’t gave a clear goal at the beginning … so I had a surprise poster. I have a kind of excuse, I was in holidays in Las Vegas, hence the poster.

Our sprint Four was “Traffic Jam”, we had started several epics and we discovered a lot of dependencies between these features due to several missing technical pieces. The team found solutions with our product owner, to re-sequence these features and to reduce their scope.

Our sprint Five was “Speed”, we had entered in a quite complex period, couple of our key features required a lot more work than expected and we began to doubt to be able to release them … which was critical for the business.

Following these sprints, we had a hard time to finish this version, we’ve decided to switch to one week sprint iteration to easily re-adjust priorities, chop-off parts of features and be able to release on demand, so … no more posters.

We’ve engaged on too much features in parallel, that required very large and unexpected technical changes, we’ve learned a lot from our mistakes.

We’ve finally managed to release thanks to the hard work and engagement of the whole team, there is the very last poster which concludes the 1.4 delivery.

