Quiet the mind and the soul will speak

Published in
8 min readSep 16, 2022

How a life as a spiritual medium can earn your living

Anna, you’re offering something very mystical to your clients, what is it?

I offer different types of services to my clients, one of which is card reading. That’s also my favorite part, even though I love the others as well. There are different types of card readings — it may be about love and relationships, shadow issues, your career or any other parts of life that bothers people. When they have a problem and don’t know how to solve it, they contact me and I do either a small card reading, which consists of 3 cards and can answer a specific question or problem, or a big card reading, where it’s more about the whole situation and how everything is connected and could be solved in future. Another thing I really love to do is Reiki healing. When I prepare for a Reiki healing session I find myself a quiet place, burn incense, such as white sage or palo santo and start meditating. My client would be with me through Zoom or any other medium.

I connect myself to Mother Earth and function like a channel between the power of Mother Earth and the person I want to heal.

I can feel the pain of that person, whether it’s physical or if it’s blocked chakras. In this situation I’m kind of walking through my own body, from head to toes, and I can feel the pain points of the other person’s body. I know this sounds a bit weird for an outside person, but it works. Once I had a client who was consulting me because he had Covid before. I felt like my kidneys hurt and I told him that there must be a problem. He told me then he had to deal with kidney failure a few years ago. His kidneys were still not functioning as well as they are supposed to do.

Reiki healing is similar to the other thing I’m doing, Akasha Chronicle. It’s different because the person who would ask me for an Akasha Chronicle won’t have physical problems or pain. It’s more about fears or traumas.

Akasha means, short and easily explained, that there’s a spiritual world memory. For instance, if a person is afraid of water, there is a chance this person drowned in an earlier life.

It’s in my task to find out whatever this person is facing. Meditation is mandatory, just as for Reiki Healing. The difference is that I will see pictures or short frequencies of a person’s life or their earlier lives. Once I saw a frequency where a little girl was smashed into the face and after that I saw two walls bombing into each other. I told my client what I saw and she said she was punished for throwing scissors after her sister when they were kids. There was a big fight afterwards, and this was symbolized by the two walls. For my client that was a very bad moment from her childhood, but she didn’t pay too much attention to it. After I had seen this scene she knew that she was carrying this along with her, her entire life and she could do something about it, like talking to her sister and parents about that incident. Another time someone asked me if she could ask her ex-boyfriend a question. That’s possible, so I asked her ex if they would ever talk about why their relationship ended. He told me “she should take care of herself first”. I gave that to my client and she said “that’s what he used to say to me”. I have had many situations like this and that makes me believe even more in what I’m doing and it motivates me to move forward.

How did you dive into these spiritual themes?

It started after my pregnancy. I had problems with my coccyx and no one could really help me.

I mean, have you ever heard of a coccyx being treated? All the doctors would give you are painkillers. So I bought myself a book about self-healing, followed the instructions in that book and my pain disappeared.

That was my moment of enlightenment. Our body has so much power and strength, provided that we treat it right. We don’t need most of the medications doctors give us just because the pharma industry incentivizes them with a luxurious holiday. (I do not mean this in a literal sense and not every doctor plays this game). However, I realized that there’s more to healing that traditional western medicine. More than what we can see.

Some people are very sensitive and can feel it in every situation, some won’t even realize when their lives depend on it. I had other physical or psychological pains as well, not more than an average person but as I dived deeper into that spiritual world (for example by following spiritual Instagram accounts), I felt better. I was able to get rid of all these bad thoughts or little physical pains and I could also see other people through a different lens.

For example, if your boss is shouting at you for no apparent reason, you don’t need to take it personally. Look at your boss and try to look beneath the obvious. Maybe he’s totally stressed or he had a fight with his wife because she found out he’s cheating on her. Not everything is your fault. It’s very important to understand that. And, that you have the power to heal yourself. To a certain level of course. This is not advice to not to visit a doctor when you cut off your finger.

I have to admit that I never came in touch with spiritual things like this before. But despite all the “illogical” stereotype, I need to say it sounds totally logical to me. How do other people in your closer circle react to what you’re doing?

Oh, almost everyone is positive about it. My mom for example is totally in love with what I’m doing, because she’s also a spiritual person. My husband is not. But he likes it, because I’m feeling so much better.

Our relationship has improved, because all of this enables me to see things differently and I’m happier in general.

Once I had an encounter with a guy, he smiled in a condescending manner at what I do. I confronted him about why, because, o one is forced to do what they do. But it helps those who want to do it. You never smile at a person who’s going to church, right? What’s the difference? There’s no scientific proof for both, but you don’t need any for something that helps you or something that you believe in. And anyway, I’ve learned to stand for what I’m doing and not to care about what other people might think.

Oh, that’s so true. Is there advice you would give someone who also wants to start something like you do?

Yes. There are many courses out there to become a Reiki healer, to learn Akasha Chronicle or all the other things and they differentiate according their price. I would recommend, if you are able to, choose the more expensive ones.

It’s actually not about the price but about whether you can have personal phone calls or Zoom meetings with your teachers. That’s very helpful and I can only recommend it.

Another piece of advice is, balance yourself first, or get balanced by another spiritual person. You won’t be able to help others if you’re not balanced. Even I have bad days (of course, that’s human nature) and I won’t be able to do anything at this stage. Third and last bit of advice is, and I’m repeating myself, listen to yourself and don’t give a s*** about what people that you don’t even know might say about you.

You are interested in accepting crypto payments and in crypto an web3 in general, right? Isn’t that kind of contrary?

*laughts* No, not at all. Spirituality doesn’t mean you’re high all the time (even that wouldn’t be contrary to crypto) or to pray to the devil or to live in a smokehouse. It’s about being a complete human being. About being open. Someone who’s offering Akasha Chronicle has to pay their rent, keep the house clean or set up their own website. Not all parts in life are spiritual and that’s fine. To be a complete human being you need to have multiple skills and interests. Intellectual stuff, sports, giving back are only some things of what a complete person stands for.

So, back to crypto. I’m convinced, that this is our future.

We can’t even remember, but there were times when we needed candles to find our way around at night. In some countries people still do. But time moves forward and we are adapting things slower than we forget things. To me being early in crypto is great. I love new technical ideas. In a few years everyone will use crypto and NFTs for sure, and 90% will regret not having joined earlier.

I totally agree! Does this attitude have something to do with the current situation of the world?

Yes and no, I’m an early adopter anyway but of course, our world is making a huge change right now. It’s not only web3, it’s Russia, China, recessions, inflation and on and on. When this whole thing started I was kind of scared because I didn’t know what was coming towards us. I still don’t know but I calmed down and let things happen now.

This change that we’re experiencing right now is visible everywhere. I can literally feel it.

You might have heard about the Schumann frequency. That’s electromagnetic waves that are sent out from our planet. These frequencies are extremely high these days. Everything is connected, even though most people might not believe this. All of us, humans, animals and our planet are interconnected and we need to understand that and start working with each other, instead of against each other.

