How to create a classroom on Akiraku

Published in
1 min readMar 29, 2020

If you have just signed up to Akiraku, its quite likely you are wondering how to get your students onboard. It’s worth mentioning here that students cant create account for themselves. The onus is on the teachers to create the student accounts. The step 1 of the process is to create a classroom.

If you are logged into scrudu, find the “Classrooms” label along the left menu. Assuming its your first time, you would be prompted with “You have no classrooms. click here to create one”. You can then either click “click here” or the “+” button on the bottom-right side of the screen. The image below should aid the process

Clicking either would lead to a pop up

Fill the three fields in the form

a) Name of the classroom

b) Description of the classroom (option)

c) Choose subject(option)

And viola you have your classroom ready ..!

