AKIVERSE Governance Voting Genesis

Published in
2 min readFeb 7, 2024

Today, AKIVERSE will commence an essential milestone in the development of its Web3 project: governance voting!


AKIVERSE is a project centered around users and communities, valuing their opinions and cooperation. It represents a new form of GameFi shaping the world. Web3 projects shape communities and the world, and “voting” is crucial to reflect the opinions of users and communities. Voting in the metaverse is an essential action to transform the world of AKIVERSE.

On November 20, 2023, our project was listed on Gate.io after the TGE. AKIVERSE WORLD, already accessible from web browsers, provides features such as “Craft,” where users can build arcade machines from arcade parts using $AKV as fees, and “Extract,” where new arcade parts are extracted from energy accumulated through gameplay. This initiative not only expands the use cases for AKV but also marks a new step towards the further development of AKIVERSE and the realization of world-building through genuine voting.

Benefits of Participating in Voting

  • Voting participants can earn JunkAP.

Who Can Participate?

  • AKV Holders

Voting rights will be gradually extended to various NFT holders in the future

What to Vote For?

AKIVERSE will start with simple voting, such as preferences for the next offline meetup, desires for the next game, or preferences for participating in tournaments. We aim to make governance voting in AKIVERSE a habitual and enjoyable experience for users and provide them with the experience of their opinions being actually reflected. By making voting easy and familiar, we want users to experience the significance of voting and the importance of fulfilling promises.

How to Vote?

  1. Please conduct voting from the wallet address registered on the AKIVERSE platform.
  2. Connect your wallet to Snapshot (https://snapshot.org/#/akiverseio.eth).
  3. Select the ongoing voting.
  4. Vote and issue a transaction.

*Please ensure that AKV or AKIVERSE PFP NFT is stored in the wallet address at this time.

Future Plan

We aim to start with lightweight voting content to allow voting participants to enjoy the voting process itself. After increasing the number of users participating in voting, we want to improve the UX and enable AKV holders and top rankers to exercise their rights to create a better society and reflect their opinions. To achieve this, we will build a mechanism to allocate voting rights proportionally based on the number of AKV staked for each topic, giving users one voting right per topic.




Reenacting the arcade boom that happened in the 80s and 90s Japan in Web3