Arcade Machine (AM) Lifecycle

Published in
2 min readFeb 13, 2024

Arcade Machines (AM) are a type of entertainment asset in the AKIVERSE world. Each AM is a unique entity that grows and evolves throughout its lifecycle. This article details the process from the birth of an AM to its maturity and eventual Dismantle.


The life of an AM begins with a process known as “CRAFT.” Building one requires the consumption of four Arcade Parts (AP). Through this act, a new AM is born into the world. From the moment of its crafting, an AM starts to assert its presence, preparing to fulfill its role within the Game Center (GC).

Growth Period

Once an AM is installed in a GC, its growth period begins. During this time, an AM accumulates energy through an activity called “SPARK.” Sparking is a sign of an AM’s activity, enabling the accumulation of energy. This energy forms the foundation of an AM’s growth and evolution.

Maturity Phase

When energy accumulation reaches its limit, an AM enters its maturity phase. At this point, a “MEGA SPARK” occurs, marking the peak of an AM’s growth. After the Mega Spark, sparking will continue, but no further energy accumulation will take place. AMs that have achieved Mega Spark can be Dismantle at any time.


The final stage of an AM’s lifecycle is Dismantle. Choosing to Dismantle causes the AM to vanish from the world. However, this process returns several Arcade Parts (AP). This signifies that the energy and experiences accumulated throughout the AM’s life can be repurposed for new creations.

The lifecycle of an Arcade Machine embodies the eternal cycle of creation and dissolution. Each AM, through its brief existence, brings joy and excitement to the Game Center and ultimately becomes a resource for unlocking new possibilities.

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Reenacting the arcade boom that happened in the 80s and 90s Japan in Web3