Single game player per 1 arcade machine only

Published in
1 min readJan 29, 2024

Until now, multiple players could simultaneously play on each Arcade Machine (AM). However, starting from the 29th, each AM will only allow one player to play at a time. What does this mean?

The reason for this change is to address the issue of players tending to concentrate on specific AMs, leading to an imbalance in their use. This change aims to ensure that all AM owners’ machines get fair play.

What happens if there are more users than AMs?
If all AMs are in use, the game will provide additional AMs as needed. Thus, there won’t be any inconvenience for players waiting to play when all AMs are occupied.

For those who have only earned Teras through gameplay, consider becoming an AM owner. By letting game players use your AM, you can earn additional Teras.

For information on how to build an AM, visit: .




Reenacting the arcade boom that happened in the 80s and 90s Japan in Web3