Creating Gantt Chart In Excel For Your Projects

Ezgi Kavak
Akkim Akademi
2 min readOct 16, 2022


The Gantt chart is a graphical method used for planning and monitoring tasks and activities specified in a project. It is widely used in project management today.

In this article, I have told you with an example how you can create a Gantt chart in Excel.

First of all, the tasks, the people to be assigned, and the start and end dates are determined. A selectable list is then created showing the status of the tasks.

In order to be able to apply conditional formatting in cells, the following formula is written.


Then the following formulas are written to the cells from conditional formatting.



=AND($B5=”Not Started”;G5=”a”)

Note: Don’t forget to choose the same font and background color in formatting! Because the letters “a” that we write should not appear.

Finally, let’s add a donut chart showing the status of the tasks.


After creating the donut chart, we select the data labels as “percentage”.

Here is your Gantt chart colored by the status of the tasks!

You can also manage your projects better this way.

