Ebru Tuna
Akkim Akademi
Published in
3 min readJan 31, 2023


Lean Strategy:

Lean supply chain thinking was developed by Toyota. The aim of this idea is to reduce resourses and improve production capabilities through continuous innovation.

The main goal of lean thinking is to eliminate waste. First of all, unnecessary steps are determined with the 3m method. Afterward, detected conditions are eliminated or improved.

3M will be described as follows.

Muda is work that uses recourses but doesn’t create value.

Mura is waste that leads to unevenness and inconsistency.

Muri is situation that uses excessive recourses and excessive workload.

Taiichi Ohno identified 7 wastes that Muda.

· Transport: The unnecessary movement of materials and products.

· Inventory: Excess stock held without reason.

· Motion: The unnecessary movement of recourses to conduct an activity.

· Waiting: Interrupting the constant flow or material or information.

· Overproduction: Produce more than necessary.

· Over-prosessing: Executing processes beyond customer needs.

· Defects: Poor quality leading to rejects and reworks.

Agile Strategy:

Agility includes high flexibility and rapid variability. The whole supply chain needs to be interactive and flexible according to actual customer demands.

Market Sensitive: Listen to customers

Virtual: Co-operative Planning / End to end visibility

Process Alignment: Manage inventory /correlational Product Desing

Network Based: Use of integrated software and appropriate technology

Agile Principles;

· Customer Satisfaction

· Welcome Change

· Deliver Frequently

· Work Together

· Motivated Team

· Face to Face

· Working Software

· Constant Pace

· Good Design

· Simplicity

· Self Organization

· Reflect and Adjust

Leagile Strategy:

The term leagile is combination of “lean” and “agile” and can be united for optimizing the management of the supply chain. This hybrid approach was created to optimize supply chain management.

There is an important difference between the performance of lean supply chain and agile supply chain.

Lean supply chain is suitable for functional and stable products and services. Agile supply chain is suitable for innovative and diverse products and services.

Lean approach alone cannot respond to the flexibility of demand. İt is necessary to include an agile approach, which also includes the ability to respond quickly to the demand and servise quality.

The approaches lean and agile combined have created a new management model for leagile supply chains.

The table below shows the comparisons of these approaches across supply chains.

