Ebru Tuna
Akkim Akademi
Published in
5 min readFeb 28, 2023

Pestel analysis is a tool to analyze the impact of external marketing factors on an organisation. This tool is mostly used before making a decision to enter a new market and is mostly used by the marketing department. Can also be used with Swot analysis and Porter’s 5 forces model.

Political Factors:

  • Is the political environment stable, or changeable?
  • When is the country’s next local, state, or national elections? How does this affect success ?
  • Is it accepted to follow with the rules of law? What is the crime rate?
  • Could any pending legislation or tax changes affect your business positively or negatively?
  • How will business regulation, along with any planned changes, affect your business? And is there a trend towards regulation or deregulation?
  • How customer protection legislation is apply by the goverment?
  • What is the possible timeline for the proposed legislative changes?
  • Are there other political factors that could change?

Economic Factors:

· What economic factors will affect us in the future?

· How does the performance of the economy affect us right now?

· How are our prices, income, and costs affected by each economic factor?

· How stable is the current economy? Is it growing, stable, or declining?

· Are the exchange rates stable, or do they vary significantly?

· Are customers’ disposable income levels rising or falling?

· What is the unemployment rate? What is a skilled workforce rate?

· Do consumers and businesses have easy access to credit? How will this affect your organization?

· How is globalization affecting the economic environment?

· What are the other economic factors?

· Do we operate on a budget? Is it realistic? Does it give us enough flex to try things?

· Has demand for our products services grown / shrank / stayed the same?

Social Factors:

  • What is the beliefs and values ​​of their customers? How it affects their buying habits?
  • How do cultural trends and human behavior play a role in our business?
  • What are the population growth rate and age profile? How likely is this to change?
  • What are the rate of generation change and its characteristics?
  • What are the levels of health, education, and social mobility in your society?
  • What social attitudes and taboos could affect the business?
  • How do religious beliefs and lifestyle choices affect the population?

Technological Factors:

  • What are the current technological developments and innovations
  • How will this technology impact our operations?
  • Is there any new technology for our business? Do competitors know this technology?
  • How have infrastructure changes affected work patterns (for example, levels of remote work)?
  • Are there existing tech hubs you could work with or learn from?
  • Are there other technology factors I should consider?
  • How well do we use technology?
  • What can we learn from the data we collect?

Environment Factors:

  • How are environmental policies practices?
  • Are there any current environmental programs in this country?

Legal Factors:

  • How are we impacted by changes to legislation and regulation?
  • Do we know about data protection laws?

*Ethical Factors:

The most recent addition to PESTEL is the extra E — making it PESTELE. This factor includes ethical principles and moral or ethical problems in a business. For example; fair trade, slavery acts and child labour. And also denotes situations involving philanthropy and volunteerism.

How to do Pestel Analysis?

1. Identify political factors that could impact your business.

o Government stability/instability

o Corruption level

o Tax policies

o Freedom of press

o Government regulation and deregulation

o Special tariffs

o Political action committees

o Government involvement in trade unions and agreements

o Competition regulation

o Voter participation rates

o Amount of government protests

o Defense expenditures

o Level of government subsidies

o Bilateral relationships

o Import-export regulation/resctrictions

o Trade control

o Lobbying activities

o Size of government budgets

2. Identify economics factors that could impact your business.

o Growth rate

o Interest rate

o Inflation rate

o Exchange rate

o Availability of credit

o Level of disposible income

o Propensity of people to spend

o Federal government budget deficits

o Gross domestic product trend

o Unemployment trend

o Stock market trends

o Price fluctuations

3. Identify social factors that could impact your business.

o Population size and growth rate

o Birth rates

o Death rates

o Number of mariages

o Number of divorces

o Immigration and emigration rates

o Life expectancy rates

o Age distribution

o Wealth distribution

o Social classes

o Per capita income

o Family size and structure

o Lifestyles

o Health consciousness

o Average disposable income

o Attitude towards government

o Attitude towards work

o Buying habits

o Ethical concerns

o Cultural norms and values

o Sex roles and distribution

o Religion and beliefs

o Racial equality

o Use of birth control

o Education level

o Minorities

o Crime levels

o Attitudes towards saving, investing, retirement,leisure time, product quality, customer service, foreign people

4. Identify technological factors that could impact your business.

o Technology incentives

o Automation

o R&D activity

o Technological change

o Access to new technology

o Level of innovation

o Technological awareness

o Internet infrastructure

o Communication infrastructure

o Life cycle of technology

5. Identify environmental factors that could impact your business.

o Weather

o Climate

o Environmental policies

o Climate change

o Pressures from NGO’s

o Natural disasters

o Air and water pollution

o Recycling standards

o Attitudes towards green products

o Support for renewable energy

6. Identify legal factors that could impact your business.

o Discrimination laws

o Antitrust laws

o Employment laws

o Consumer protection laws

o Copyright and patent laws

o Health and safety laws

o Education laws

o Consumer protection laws

o Data protection laws

7. Identify ethical factors that and also denotes situations involving philanthropy and volunteerismcould impact your business.

o Bribery

o Intellectual property

o Confidentiality

o Internatioanal trade ethics

o Reputation

o Equal opportunities

8. Review the factors you’ve identified in steps 1–7 and ask yourself;

* What specific impact for your organisation ?

* What could you do for negative impacts?

* Do this analysis help you see any opportunities or threats? (SWOT analysis can also be used with this analysis)

Advantages of a PESTEL Analysis:

It can provide an advance warning of potential threats and opportunities

It enables to create a strategy by taking into account the external environment.

Disadvantages of a PESTEL Analysis:

There may be more titles to create a more detailed list.

It is only based on an assessment of the external environment

