Revenue Analysis Report in Excel

Ezgi Kavak
Akkim Akademi
Published in
3 min readFeb 28, 2023

What Is Revenue Analysis?

The revenue statement shows the revenues generated by the company during a certain period. Revenue analysis is important for business. With it, you can ensure your plans and strategies do not deviate from your goal.

What Are The Benefits of Revenue Analysis?

  • The parts of the company that bring profit or cause loss are determined.
    In line with the report, it can be decided to continue or stop the services provided by the enterprise.
  • You can have information about the purchasing process of the equipment required for the production of any good.
  • Capital investment decisions are made much more easily.
  • Alternatives in financial matters can be evaluated.
  • It can be understood how the company performs alongside other competitors in the market.

Let’s take a look at a revenue analysis report made in Excel!

First of all, we create our revenue centers and revenue amounts in the form of a table in months. Then, in the “Conditional Formatting” section, we format the revenues according to cell colors.

We calculate the total and average of revenues on a branch and month basis.

We select the table and click on the graphs. On this screen, Excel shows which chart is most suitable for us. After the graphic is added, its colors and format can be changed.

In order to see the total revenue on a branch basis, the columns containing the branches and the totals are selected and a column chart is selected from the chart section.

In the graph, the revenue amounts of the branches on a monthly basis are shown in the form of a column chart. The line chart shows the total amount of revenue on a monthly basis.

Then, the report is made more useful by adding a slicer.

For example, if we only want to see the revenues of the 1st and 2nd branches, when we click on these branches in the slicer, the tables and graphs are updated according to our selection.

You can make your reports more meaningful by using different graphs and methods in Excel.

