Kenyans must give Uhuru Kenyatta the freedom he secretly yearns for.

The Massive Company
3 min readNov 29, 2016

The day is November 3oth 2016. It has been three years and roughly eight months since the former Chief Justice Willy Mutunga’s court chose Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy as Kenya’s leaders. Not much has changed and if anything life has become unbearable for Njogu Maina, a University graduate and a former Uhuru/Ruto voter who is looking for employment.

Mr. Njogu Maina voted for Uhuru and Ruto with the hope that their promise to empower voters with millions of jobs would materialize. As a man who expected nothing but the best, a university education was all he needed for everything in his life to fall in place. Three years later, the dream of a successful life is yet to materialize. Njogu Maina has been forced to make a living by hustling his way through life. Media reports of company lay offs do not make it any easier. Uhuru Kenyatta’s economic policies turned Mr. Maina’s hope into despair. Asked if he will vote for Uhuru in 2017, Njogu Maina answered with a resounding NO! Can you blame him?

The situation is not limited to Maina’s hometown. Unemployment, high cost of living, poverty, just to name a few have affected Kenyans of all walks of life. In addition to economic pressures and with corruption as the central theme, Kenyans have been subjected to high taxes by KRA; funds that end up financing Jubilee Government’s stealing spree but, lucky for Kenyans like Mr. Maina, there is hope.

Unless one has been living under a rock and not paying attention, President Uhuru has over the course of 2016 sent secret coded messages that we need to save our country and as Kenyans, we must heed his distress calls. Even with his constitutional powers, Uhuru has been crying to us that he has no will to fight corruption because his government including the office which he occupies has been taken over by cartels.

You see the country, according to Uhuru Kenyatta, has faceless, nameless people who have been stealing tax payer money since his first day in office and there is nothing he as the President of Kenya can do about it. Keep in mind though that some of these stolen funds somehow end up benefiting him, his deputy, their families and friends.

For reasons stated above, it would be unfair as a nation to subject Mr. Kenyatta to five more years of cruel leadership and the responsibility that comes with it. If he as the most influential figure in the country can not control nameless and faceless tax stealing “cartels” whose actions will subject Kenya to economic collapse, why should we as a people burden Uhuru Kenyatta with additional years of punishment?

Friends, these faceless, nameless tax stealing gangs are so influential to a point that Uhuru was forced to lie to Kenyans in Central. He falsely claimed that all the corruption alarms being raised by the opposition are fairy tales. Uhuru needs rest from cartels. He needs peace. He wants to be left alone and only we the people can give this gift to him by not voting Jubilee in 2017. Uhuru is tired and unable.

Kenya needs a leader. The country needs someone who will find, name and imprision these cartels. Through our votes, we the people need to help Njogu Maina and the many faces of unemployed Kenyans who are still hopeful that their academic toil was not in vain. Our votes will make the difference between economic prosperity and doom.


