
R.J. Bisi
The Massive Company
2 min readApr 20, 2016

Why do we hate flies? They are simply going about their business, looking for food. Like a hamster looking for nuts, or a pigeon looking for crumbs, but neither of those are as repulsive as a mosquito. Is it because the females suck our blood? No, it’s because they make the most irritating sound ever. Like a drone, but a million times smaller, the vibrations happen at such a high frequency, it sends any human who hears it into a frenzy, awakening out bloodlust, even the gentlest of souls will spring into action, eyes wide, they begin searching for the perpetrator, the disruption of peace, and once the target is in sight, hands begin to search for the closest weapon, a towel, a shoe, eyes never losing sight of the evil vampiric menace.

After a couple of weak swings, the wind from the cloth merely shifting the air around its wings and so, sensing a disturbance in the atmosphere, it moves away, while the eyes frantically dart to and fro in a frantic attempt to maintain target lock, but alas, it’s disappeared. Eyes begin to slow down, the mind is set on giving up this fruitless hunt, but suddenly, the ears pick up the faint whining, the eyes dart to quickly follow the sound, and the predator is reawakened. With renewed vigour, the hands begin to swing forcefully at the innocent but unlucky prey. Like a doe that wandered a bit too far from the herd, with the lioness perched in the shallow brush, it is simply not the little fly’s day. With each miss comes a fresh injection of ferocity, the air is tense as the dance between predator and prey elevates from a sweet waltz to a vicious tango, by way of swing. Finally, the mosquito’s luck runs out, it lands to gain its bearings, and in a last, wild swing, the hand falls, like a hammer, and the poor insect is crushed beneath a colossal weight.

The life of this menace is over, but why are they so abhorrent? Is it the little, itchy welts they leave on our flesh? Is the sound truly so detestable that it awakens the savage, twitching beast within us for the slightest moment, just to commit one more act of cold blooded violence? Well who am I to judge, I myself only sat down to contemplate this deep philosophical question after committing this very act of butchery with the back of my hand. The sound they make really annoys me…

