The Forth Rail Bridge

Bridging the chasm

Announcing our intention to build a working ETH / ETC bridge

Dave Appleton
Published in
2 min readJun 16, 2018


Following recent discussions referred to below, Akomba Labs have decided to commit some resources to developing the much discussed ETH / ETC bridge sometimes referred to as the “peace relay”.

The first stage of this project will be to tokenise ETH on the Classic chain, and ETC on ethereum. This achieved, we will investigate a tighter interoperability.

We will, as always, not be doing this from scratch. A number of well respected people in the space have done significant work which we are pleased to acknowledge below. We will use their work as the basis of our research. We also welcome any additional feedback and suggestions.

Benefits of such a bridge

Beyond the obvious benefit of starting to allow two very similar groups of researchers to work more closely together and leverage the benefits of each other’s chains, we hope that this work will lead to the ability to bridge other ethereum based chains as may be found in private or permissioned chains such as quorum.


To those who were active with ethereum at the time, it is almost unbelievable that the DAO hack, a defining moment in ethereum’s history, took place just two years ago. Griff Green, one of the founders of the White Hat group recalls it in detail in this recent (2018) interview.

As you are probably aware, due to the nature of the DAO, the ethereum blockchain forked into two separate chains, the bulk of the community agreed to move to the new chain which retained the name ethereum (ETH) but some who were opposed to the recovery action continued maintaining and using the old chain which is now known as Ethereum Classic (ETC).

In the days leading up to the fork there were a lot of things said and written that are best consigned to the archive pages of reddit, especially since they were said by people who, generally, shared the same ideals and goals.

Since then, while ethereum has prospered, classic has not done too badly either. Classic has its own groups maintaining the various parts and over time the various developers seem to be talking nicely to each other again — leading to Anthony Lusardi being invited to present what’s new in Ethereum Classic to attendees at Edcon 2018.

References :

Péter Syilágyi’s code for a bridge in 100 lines of go



Dave Appleton
Editor for

HelloGold's blockchain lead and Senior Advisor at Akomba Labs; a technology anachronism who codes, teaches, mentors and consumes far too much caffeine.