7 Things We Will Do in 2017

Kay Transtrum
All Kinds Of Stories
2 min readApr 11, 2017

With firework smoke still hanging in the air and confetti being swept off the streets, we’re busy getting to work on our 2017 goals.

Spoiler alert: Working out didn’t make the cut. To be honest, it’s not even in the top 20 things we want to do. So now that that’s squared away, let’s begin.

Participate in community events

Between all of the hackathons, startup weeks, startup weekends, meetups and other awesome things existing in Phoenix, we’re gearing up to get more involved.

Clean off our desks

Much to some of the team’s chagrin, we’re pretty stoked to have clean and tidy desks to ring in the new year. That sticky note from 2 months ago? Consider it gone.

Start a company book club

Something we’ve gotten in the habit of is ordering business books that strike our fancy. Whether it’s about leadership, design, psychology and branding, or something random that just makes us happy, we like to challenge ourselves and learn from others. We want to take our small library and make it an ongoing thing for our team. Stay tuned for some book reviews in here too!

Award Submissions

This one is pretty straightforward: you can’t win awards if you don’t submit for them!

Scale down product line-up to one

We know… it sounds crazy. But this is our big, grand adventure for 2017. We’re excited about it, and expect more updates in weeks to come!

Eat more Oreos

Turns out Oreos are the comfort food bridge between vegans and non-vegans, which makes our whole team happy. When you visit our office, expect to find Oreos in all possible flavors. It’s kind of our love language.

Take more team family photos

So here’s to the big wins and lessons from 2016, and all of the adventures 2017 will bring. Happy New Year, friends!

