Akri Release v0.6.19: Documentation Site & ONVIF Optimizations

Kate Goldenring
Published in
2 min readOct 8, 2021


Akri’s v0.6.19 release has some exciting features, and we wanted to highlight a few things here. For a full release notes, check out our GitHub Release page.

New Documentation Site

Landing page for Akri’s documentation site.

Akri’s documentation has moved to a separate repository and is now hosted on a site for a better experience. Check out the site now to get started using Akri!

ONVIF Discovery Handler and sample broker optimizations

The ONVIF Discovery Handler was optimized to use 30xs less CPU! While we were at it, we also decided to slim down our sample ONVIF broker. Akri provides a sample frame server Pod that connects to an IP camera at a specific RTSP URL and serves the video frames from the camera over an interface. This release reduces the size of that broker from 2.01 GB to 856 MB, which brings down the footprint of Akri’s ONVIF demo.

Akri runtime and Kubernetes dependency updates

Akri uses tokio as it’s asynchronous Rust runtime. In this release, Akri upgraded from tokio v0.2 to v1.0, enabling Akri to update its Kubernetes dependencies and developers to benefit from the newest tokio features. Now that Akri is using v1.0 of tokio, it can better stay up to date with the latest minor changes in its dependencies.



Kate Goldenring

Software engineer at work and outdoor enthusiast at life.