Release Notes: New Extensibility Model for Discovery Handlers, Official Logo, and much more!

Edrick Wong
Published in
2 min readMay 5, 2021

Akri’s v0.6.5 release has some exciting features, and we wanted to highlight a few things here. For a full release notes, check out our GitHub Release page.

New extensibility model for discovery handlers

We created a new extensibility model that separates Discovery Handlers from Akri’s core code. What this means for you is two things:

1. Discovery Handlers are now behind a gPRC interface, so you can create a Discovery Handler in any language.

2. All Discovery Handlers are now deployed in their own Pods, so you can choose to deploy only the ones that you need using Akri’s Helm chart. An Agent without any embedded Discovery Handlers is deployed separately, by default. However, Akri still supports a “full” Agent image (with embedded udev, OPC UA, and ONVIF Discovery Handlers) that will be deployed when agent.full=true is specified in the Akri Helm installation.

Webhook for validating Configurations

With this release, we also included an Admission Controller (Webhook) that validates Akri Configuration files. The Webhook will check your Akri Configuration before it gets deployed so that you’ll know whether there’re any errors before you install it.


Last but not least, we want to present the official Akri logo. Originally inspired by the meander designs in Greek art, the logo is meant to represent the interconnectivity of devices. Shout outs to Ronan Flynn-Curran for the design and the branding work. Learn more at

Akri Logo

