PODCAST: Ep. 4 — Dr. Naresh Subba

from Bhutanese refugee in Nepal to accidental entrepreneur in Akron’s North Hill

Chris Horne
1 min readApr 13, 2017


Dr. Naresh Subba of Family Grocery on the Akron2Akron tour (photo by Dina Younis/The Akronist)

Opening a business was never Dr. Naresh Subba’s plan. He was a refugee in Nepal who made it to Northeast Ohio to become a nuclear physicist at Kent State, but as he settled in Akron, Naresh found he’d become a linchpin for others who were leaving Bhutan. That’s when he realized he had an opportunity to help others by throwing himself into entrepreneurship, opening a grocery store in North Hill with the help of his two brothers. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

LISTEN HERE to join our host Roger Riddle as Naresh opens up and tells his moving story.

You can learn more about Family Groceries at facebook.com/family.groceries and more about the Bhutanese Community Association of Akron at bcakron.org.

This podcast is part of The Devil Strip’s reporting on small business ownership and entrepreneurship, which has been made possible with support from The Fund for Our Economic Future and the Burton D. Morgan Foundation.



Chris Horne

Sixth degree black belt in Shaq-fu. Gave up Lent for bacon. Publisher of The Devil Strip. JSK Journalism Fellow at Stanford, Class of 2019. Lucky dude.