Akropolis development progress update: August 2019

Akropolis Asia
Published in
11 min readSep 17, 2019

Hello, here is our development progress update for August. Our team has been very busy over the past few weeks — as we mentioned in a recent article, we showcased Akropolis and Polkahub during the DOTCon , Web3 Summit , Dappcon , and ETHBerlinZwei . and ETHBerlinZwei conferences. In addition to sharing experience with the blockchain industry and other DeFi projects, we continue to rebuild community-driven financial stacks to replace existing financial infrastructure. Our development work is focused on Ethereum because its ecosystem leadership and DeFi stack are the best composability, and our research and development on Substrate enables consensus protocols to access a variety of financial products in the Web3 ecosystem and assets.

Development progress on Ethereum

Following the release of the DAO governance module in June , the development of the Ethereum-based agreement focused on providing users with a more user-friendly graphical interface. The main work focuses on two things:

• Create a simple and simple framework for DAO management (AkropolisOS), because from a development perspective, existing solutions based on AragonOS are time consuming – the integration of various DeFi applications takes a lot of time (and sometimes It cannot be implemented because of the different test environments).

• Added the ability to get product users up and running quickly.

So why do we need Akropolis OS?

您可能知道,现在已经有很多现有的DAO框架,例如AragonOS(我们之前实际使用过),DAOstack等。但是,我们发现现有的解决方案很麻烦,因为他们试图一次性解决所有问题并且架构太过于复杂。反过来,这通常导致需要大量的时间来配置这些框架 — 如果您在配置上花费的时间多于构建,那么为什么甚至使用这样的框架?

这就是为什么我们决定开始使用我们自己的轻量级和模块化框架 — AkropolisOS。 DeFi通常被称为金融领域的乐高积木,因此我们决定为开发人员提供他们自己的积木 — 帮助他们开发。我们从OpenZeppelin SDK中获取灵感,模块化体系结构已经被证明是构建块市场的最佳实践之一,您可以从中构建针对特定任务的定制化的智能合约。

AkropolisOS将允许使用DeFi协议支持构建DAO管理平台。开发人员将能够快速设置具有不同逻辑结构的DAO — 让我们看一下核心模块:

• Core — DAO工厂(一组创建基本DAO的合约)

• Permissions — 用于管理DAO中访问权限的一组合约,例如,加入DAO的规定。

•Tokenomics — 用于实现不同基于令牌的DAO的一组合同(例如,Ryan Zurrer的绑定曲线模型)。

• Voting — DAO决策的一套合约。

• Finance — 与他们建立DAO账户和运营的一系列合约(存,取)。

• Lending — DAO内部社会保险/社会信用模型实施的一系列合约。

•DeFi — 统一界面,用于管理与集成DyDx等DeFi协议。

这样的框架将使工程师能够更快,更方便地开发产品 — 有了这个,我们的目标是在今年年底主网上线。

我们在Web3峰会上展示了AkropolisOS并在那里介绍了它的主要功能 — 并且很乐意与所有感兴趣的人分享更多内容!


我们已经在Kovan测试网络中实现了与fiat-on-ramps-Wyre的集成。但正如我们上面所说 — AragonOS框架在开发选项和集成方面不是很友好 — 我们的testnet Governance模块目前在Rinkeby testnet上。为了将Wyre集成完全合并到我们的测试网中,我们需要完成AkropolisOS的开发并从Rinkeby迁移到Kovan — 我们预计它将在10月份完成,同时我们产品的Alpha版本。


正如我们在之前的更新中所说,我们一直致力于在AkropolisChain路线图之后开发Argos v.0.1版本。

令人激动地消息 — 由于我们Substrate的开发进度提前了!因此,我们决定发布了原定于今年12月推出的Corinth版本,而不是原定计划的Argos版本,这一版本包括Argos和Corinth的所有功能。

我们禁用了旧版本的AkropolisOS链节点并推出了一个新的测试网 -在这个新的测试网中,我们添加了DAO管理和Staking功能:




•存入/取出资金(正在测试AKRO通证)。未来将增加基金管理功能 — 您将能够共同投资各种资产,获得社会信用或保险。

•节点股权(在测试模式下工作)。正如我们在之前的更新中所提到的,我们正积极致力于添加节点股权 — 我们将尽快为所有人开放此功能。



此外,为了增强用户体验,我们开始研究Polkadot的浏览器扩展 — 更多内容如下。


我们的主要工作之一是创建一个简单的用户使用界面,它将方便用户使用我们的产品。同时我们需要一些配套工具 — 例如,类似于MetaMask的浏览器插件。提高这些产品的用户体验可能需要很长时间,提供简单的用户使用界面至少第一步。 Polkadot团队有自己的插件 — Polkadot-js,然而,它缺乏一些重要的功能,据Parity团队称,他们不打算提供进一步的扩展功能。


Polkadot目前的UI / UX可以让你做类似的事情,但它有自己的 “痛点” — 你需要创建一个密钥库文件,每个操作都需要你填写你的密码,这样你才能解密密钥库,最后发送/签名 — 有人会说这对于用户来说太过复杂。

On the other hand, our Polkadot browser extension will be similar to Metamask — you only need a password to unlock your wallet, it will extract all the information about the different chains and automatically populate the required parameters (similar to your choice of different When testing the network) Metamask). Currently, all parameters are fixed, and we will register all Substrate projects in the future to automate and provide a smoother user experience. Polkahub, which we introduced in the previous development update and shown on DOTCon, can provide this functionality — and stay tuned for more updates!

Major update

Major update — Our development is going on, it's faster than we originally thought. We are developing Ethereum as planned and hope to release the initial product by the end of the year – as AkropolisOS advances, it will be much easier for us to develop work for us and for other teams that we want to build on. Our Substrate progress is also faster than our previous opportunity (thanks to our development team and the convenient development environment created by the Polkadot team), we are excited about the upcoming stuff - proof of rights agreement, fully operational browser extension, PolkaHub and many more.

Of course, we can't do this without the continued support of the community and the DeFi community. We look forward to community feedback, cyber hacking and help us by finding errors. We will release a bug bounty program for this - more details will be released later, so stay tuned!

Official website: https://akropolis.io/

White paper: https://wiki.akropolis.io/whitepaper/

Medium: https://medium.com/akropolis

Github: https://github.com/akropolisio

Twitter: https://twitter.com/akropolisio

Telegram: https://t.me/akropolis_official

