Akropolis Community Prime Allocation

Published in
3 min readJul 9, 2019

Dear Akropolis Community,

We will never stop emphasizing how much we value our community — you’re our friends and a true inspiration to be better every day! You all also know our love for the Community Quest and educational activities — and as we keep seeing, you love it too 🙂

Thus, we decided to reward the best out of the best of our quest participants — please read below!

As you know, we designed a point system for Akropolis Community Quest 3 — and this is a good chance to test it with a real challenge — how to allocate the prizes when each one of you is so cool, supportive and intelligent?

We decided to proceed as follows:

After completion of all quest activities, we will publish a spreadsheet with all the participants and the total points they received during the quest.

  • The first ten places will receive an allocation of a 4,000 HT cap.
  • Places from 11th to 20th will receive an allocation of a 3,000 HT cap.
  • The third wave (21st-30th) will receive an allocation of a 2,000 HT cap.
  • Everyone below 30th place will receive an allocation of 1,000 HT cap if they have collected at least 150 points during the quest or up to 110 people.

More informations of what cap means can be found here.

Remember, all activities count — articles, videos, stickers, GIFs — you can check the full list here.

What are the deadlines?

The Akropolis Community Quest 3 will end on July 13, 23:59 UTC, so you will have to submit your work before this. And another update for those who really don’t want Quest to end — we will have two additional rounds, on July 9 and July 12 👀

P.S. We will be prolonging deadlined for content submission until after Huobi Prime Launch. Exact deadline to be announced.

What does the allocation for Huobi Prime mean?

Simply put, it gives you the ability to take part in the Prime launch of Akropolis — even if you haven’t been holding the required amount of Huobi Tokens since May 22.

P.S. Please note that it is not a Huobi Token giveaway, as well as it is not a USDT giveaway. We are just providing the ability to participate in the offering without a previous HT holding period.

So the last question is — what we need from you if you want to participate?

Please make sure that you read carefully and understand everything.

  1. You need to have at least 150 points to be eligible to receive an allocation — please refer to our points system and list of activities to find out how to get them.
  2. You need an account on Huobi Global exchange, with KYC in place. For more information about creating an account on Huobi and KYC please refer to this article.
  3. You will need to fill a specific form (which will be posted on July 13th) and provide us with your UID (unique identification number) on Huobi Global exchange. You will need to provide it no later than July 14, 18:00 UTC.
  4. Your CAP will be updated before Huobi Prime 4 launches on July 16.

Don’t have a Huobi Global account? Register here: https://www.hbg.com/en-us/register/

Can’t find your Huobi Global UID? Check it here: https://huobiglobal.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000196181-How-do-I-find-my-UID-

You can also win a cap by participating in Huobi Global Activities, rules are here.

This is pretty much it, if you have any questions or suggestions — feel free to go to our Telegram and ping @Sidzuka there or write to us directly via team@akropolis.io.

Learn more about Akropolis:

Website: https://akropolis.io/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/akropolisio

Telegram: https://t.me/akropolis_official

Do you have any questions? Please ask by email! team@akropolis.io




Akropolis is a provider of decentralised finance products that give users access to efficient and sustainable passive yield generation on multiple chains.