Akropolis Joins The Enterprise Ethereum Alliance

Published in
2 min readMar 21, 2018

Hong Kong — 21 March 2018 — Akropolis Decentralised Ltd (“Akropolis”) announced today that it joined the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA), the world’s largest open source blockchain initiative with over 400 member companies, which include JP Morgan, UBS, Santander, Credit Suisse, Microsoft, Consensys, OceanDB amongst many others. Akropolis joined EEA with the view to being actively involved in a number of key working groups and to support the adoption of Ethereum in the enterprise.

Akropolis Founder Anastasia Andrianova said: “We are very excited to become a member of Enterprise Ethereum Alliance. Akropolis is building an open-source pensions-specific protocol; our work naturally touches upon several key strategic directions for the EEA, and we look forward to connecting with all the EEA members to discuss opportunities for collaboration.”

Akropolis is building the world’s first open-source network to enable a next-generation future-proof infrastructure for the pensions sector, which is the biggest provider of capital in the financial ecosystem.

Akropolis will be discussing details of the cooperation with Ron Resnick, Executive Director of Ethernet Enterprise Alliance.

About The Enterprise Ethereum Alliance

The EEA is an industry-supported, not-for-profit established to build, promote, and broadly support Ethereum-based technology best practices, open standards, and open-source reference architectures. The EEA is helping to evolve Ethereum into an enterprise-grade technology, providing research and development in a range of areas, including privacy, confidentiality, scalability, and security. The EEA is also investigating hybrid architectures that span both permissioned and public Ethereum networks as well as industry-specific application layer working groups.

EEA will collectively develop open industry standards and facilitate collaboration with its member base and is open to any members of the Ethereum community who wish to participate. This open-source framework will enable the mass adoption at a depth and breadth otherwise unachievable in individual corporate silos and provide insight to the future of scalability, privacy, and confidentiality of the public Ethereum permissionless network.

For additional information about joining EEA, please reach out to membership@entethalliance.org

For additional information about Akropolis, please reach out to team@akropolis.io.




Akropolis is a provider of decentralised finance products that give users access to efficient and sustainable passive yield generation on multiple chains.