Quest — Registrations Are Open

Published in
2 min readJun 8, 2019

Dear Akropolis community,

As was announced last week, we will be starting a new Community Quest soon! Today we bring news including dates, registration, testing, and community initiatives — all (or almost all 👀) will be revealed in this post, so read on further.

Navigating the Quest: what’s it about?

What do you know about DeFi? And about DAOs? We put together a handful of topics to help you understand Akropolis and the crypto space in general. Would you like to show your friends that you are a seasoned veteran of the cryptoverse? Then join us!

You already know the drill if you’ve participated before in our community activities, but for all the newcomers — here is a small tl;dr :

  • You will need to complete 4 tasks to win the round. First, you must share your opinion on the given theme, then there’s a quiz, after which you must solve a puzzle, and to close it off there’s a brain-crashing word hunt! You think it’s easy? Think again!
  • You have three hours to complete the first task. Take your time to think about your answer as much as you want. But, starting from the second task, you’re competing not only in knowledge but also in speed with other quest participants — so get those fingers ready!

The quest will reward the top 40 winners daily. A point-based system which we’re introducing for this quest will also dish out additional rewards for the winners of flash quizzes, word hunts and more.

For those who want to show their creativity or just generally are better with creating memes and spreading the word, we have additional prizes that are sure to tickle your fancy — check the wiki page for more details on that!

So.. when should we be ready to deep dive into the Quest?

The journey begins on June 15th, get ready to take part in one of the most awaited community experiences in the cryptosphere.

Registrations are open! Join in now and show us what you’ve got!

*unfortunately, people from certain countries like US are not eligible to participate. To see the full list of the prohibited countries please check our T&C.




Akropolis is a provider of decentralised finance products that give users access to efficient and sustainable passive yield generation on multiple chains.