Akropolis Summer Update 2021

Updates on team expansion, our roadmap, and more!

4 min readSep 2, 2021


Dear Akropolis community,

Aside from our weekly updates, we would like to highlight some of our key updates that have been a work-in-progress and are now ready for announcement in Q3. We have been busy operating behind the scenes over the last few months building our team and establishing a new internal roadmap.

🙌Team Expansion

We have hired a new CTO (ex-Brave), product owner, and marketing lead, as well as two back-end developers, with the focus on bringing value to AKRO through new products, partnerships, and an engaged community. Our new team members will bring exponential value to Akropolis.

  • Samuel Dare, our new CTO, has a wide-ranging experience garnered during his time at Brave Software and Shell. At Brave Software, he championed Blockchain and DeFi Integrations, working to channel Brave’s 22 Million MAU into DeFi by way of Brave Swaps, integrations into different DeFi protocol and DEX designs. Samuel was also a key member to the Horizons group, implementing various innovations within the Basic Attention Token (BAT) ecosystem from Layer 2 solution integrations, decentralization of BAT’s core architecture, to writing open source tools for benchmarking Ethereum Permissioned Blockchains and more.
  • Our new product owner, Alexander Butler, has contributed to the blockchain space in both corporate and startup environments with his extensive technical and regulatory knowledge of the industry. Alex established the core infrastructure and partnerships required for Dolfin Financial — a wealth management firm that at the time had £4bn AuM — to fulfill its specialist requirement of providing digital asset services to high-net-worth and institutional clients. He has also supported numerous projects, including Plasma Group (now Optimism) and OMG Network, in breaking down complex concepts for non-technical users, and was an invited expert for discussion by the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Blockchain.
  • Finally, Coco Ong, our new marketing lead, will utilize and optimize strategies garnered through her cryptocurrency marketing experience with over 20 projects in the last 4 years as a marketing manager and advisor. Prior to Akropolis, she helmed marketing efforts at StakeHound, a liquid staking solution with over $100 million Total Value Locked (TVL) and key partners such as Dash, NEM Foundation, Radix DLT, and Polygon, doubling both the number of token holders and the community members on various channels through active campaigns and partnership programs.

Here are other roles still available for interested applicants: VP Business Development, Solidity Developers, and DeFi Research Analyst. The hiring of new team members with various skillsets will help Akropolis to propel and achieve more milestones in the coming months ahead.

📅Old milestones

Besides expanding the team In the last few months, we have also increased our security, completed the ADEL Swap, and launched the compensation page.

  • We moved all contracts to a multisignature (aka multisig) control scheme, which further decentralizes our operations and helps keep our contracts secure. Our initial multisig setup is three out of five keys (decentralized across the globe) and we’re looking to expand the number of keys as we grow.
  • The concluded ADEL Swap saw a total of 4,922,542 ADEL being swapped to 59,557,967 vAKRO (vested AKRO). ADEL tokens that have been swapped for vAKRO will be burnt. The remaining AKRO unused for the swap will be contributed to the development fund, which will improve our products and ecosystem.
  • In late July we released our exploit drop page for the exploit that happened last November. The drop page is only visible to wallets affected by the exploit. Since the exploit we have taken extensive steps to prevent a repeat of the unfortunate situation and, most importantly, are delighted that our community has remained strong.

Moving forward, we have exciting new milestones on our roadmap that we would like to introduce to our community.

🔥New Milestones

Some key milestones in our new roadmap include:

  • The addition of new Yearn vaults to Akropolis, along with the release of our own strategies.
  • The transition of Akropolis into a full DAO structure.
  • & more on the strategies horizon!

The release of our aforementioned new products, including:

  • Uniswap v3 position and risk management vaults
  • Tokenized yield baskets
  • Advanced strategies with sustainable yield

Platform and product deployment across multiple chains, including:

  • Polygon
  • Optimism
  • Arbitrum

While the above items summarize our updated roadmap, they are not all we have planned. Simplifying access to the DeFi ecosystem is a key goal for us but it is not something that can be easily achieved overnight — it can, however, be achieved through a combination of a few things, including a good UI UX to improve user interaction with complicated DeFi products. Innovative and easy-to-use UI UX has always been one of our key focuses at Akropolis, which we will continue to work on as we have done in the past. We will be improving our designs over time and, ultimately, simplifying how people interact with the vast range of DeFi products — with the aim being that our users access the highest yields based on their risk appetites.

In the first half of 2021 alone we have achieved numerous milestones and overcome some unprecedented challenges. We see our new roadmap as a step closer to our mission in bringing accessibility and more useful tools to the DeFi ecosystem for our community. We are excited about our plans ahead and hope that you will continue to be a part of this journey!

Thank you,
The Akro Team✌




Akropolis is a provider of decentralised finance products that give users access to efficient and sustainable passive yield generation on multiple chains.