Catch us at Berlin Blockchain Week!

Published in
2 min readSep 8, 2018

Fellow Akropolitans!

We’re excited to invite you to Berlin Blockchain Week! It is one of those rare peer-to-peer events that has great potential to push the mass adoption by means of education. The event is truly unique to the crypto space, since it is an agnostic movement started by the community initiative to gather the developers, founders and enthusiasts all into one open ecosystem to spur educational exchange and build the connections.

Our own Ana and Kate are yet again heading to the German capital: this time to emerge into the series of workshops and discussions with stellar speakers and industry leaders. We are mostly excited about Ethereum security hackathon and token architecture workshop, bringing our developers team to the event. The panel discussion about how blockchain could be potentially leveraged for global financial inclusion is also on top of our agenda, since we’ve been working with token economy engineers on how to integrate the token and a viable incentive system into Akropolis ecosystem.

Most of the events are charging a symbolic amount to attend, so everyone is invited to share the first-hand information and educational tips with the like-minded people who strive rather to educate than speculate on the markets.

We’ll be happy to meet you there!




Akropolis is a provider of decentralised finance products that give users access to efficient and sustainable passive yield generation on multiple chains.