Development Update: Akropolis — release notes, new name & more

Published in
3 min readJan 25, 2021

One of the most requested community updates of the month is here:

  • Yearn vaults are now live within our interface!
  • Upgraded and more secure development process stack.

We have revised our development processes with the help of the leading security teams at Consensys Diligence, Sertora, Trail of Bits (See Process Update below), upgraded the platform architecture and are ready to present Akropolis v1.0:

— New VaultSavings module implemented within the framework of the new architecture.

  • [done] Yearn v1 vaults: 3CRV, crvBUSD, yCRV, crvCOMP, crvSBTC;
  • [in progress] Yearn v2 vaults integration;

— Deposits & withdrawals

  • [done] Curve LP tokens corresponding to the underlying pools
  • [in progress] adding single and multiple stablecoin support for deposits & withdrawals;

— [done] Fixes for old bugs & rewards gas optimization

— [done] Finally, the frontend has been updated to support Vaults integration. We hope you like it and any feedback is welcome!

Small demo here 👆

Dev Process Update

Note: Akropolis v1.0 lives at this Github page now.

  • We have reviewed our development processes and implemented a continuous security process, with security checks at every step/update. To this end, we have moved to the new development environment ETH Brownie.
  • We reached out to leading security experts at Consensys Diligence, Sertora, Trail of Bits to improve our security development process.
  • As a result, we added new security tools for static analysis of vulnerabilities to our development process — Mythx, Slither, Vertigo, which are used by leading security specialists in the space.
  • Based on static code analysis, these tools allow developers to automate the code review process and identify potential bugs & exploits, thus becoming the first step in the code audit process.
  • Full regression testing performed by a newly hired QA engineer.
  • Tradeoffs: while it takes longer to ship new releases & updates (as we see with this new Akropolis release), these practices along with the implementation of full regression testing materially enhance security & user experience
  • Part of the contracts still remains in the Delphi V1 repository, we will gradually transfer Staking pools and relaunch Savings pools to the new development environment.

What’s Next

  • Stablecoin support: We’re starting the process of stablecoins support for Yearn v1 Vaults — users will be able to deposit stablecoins into Vaults if they want or do not have underlying Curve LP tokens.
  • Yearn v2 integration: At the same time, we’re starting to work on the integration of newly released Yearn v2 Vaults. These Vaults will support different strategies & assets — the first iteration include DAI, HEGIC & USDC. Read about new Vaults here.
  • Fiat on-ramp: Another point on our roadmap includes fiat-on ramp integration via Using their widget, users will be able to buy crypto with a bank card — making the onboarding process simpler for new DeFi users.




Akropolis is a provider of decentralised finance products that give users access to efficient and sustainable passive yield generation on multiple chains.