Top-10 Summaries and Slogans from the Akropolis Community.

Published in
6 min readAug 20, 2018

Dear Akropolitans,

It’s been ten days since our first community quest ended! While we are working hard on the preparation for the next one, some winners are still not announced — it is time to correct this!

Do you remember that we promised to reward the authors of the most quality submissions in the Task One? Tonight we are ready to reveal the best content pieces of Round 1: Akropolis summaries and slogans. Each of the authors will receive a prize of USD 200 in AKT:



Using technology to empower, sustain and advise.

Akropolis strives to aid in current financial matters,

(In this case, tackling the uncertainty, vagueness and instability concerning modern pension-funds/plans) and in turn, securing general financial well-being for future generations.

One of the key building blocks that Akropolis implement, is a Blockchain/Tokenization currency system which aims to start a new business model, thus improving transparency and giving YOU the user, peace of mind concerning fair and legal conduct right from the start.


Bringing this all together and making that, which seems perfect on Black and White to work, requires people, a happy and efficient community.

Akropolis identifies this and through technological advancements, Akropolis establishes and aims to build upon itself mainly from 3 pillars, including; Sustainability, Efficiency and Self-growth and -Empowerment and in return, if guided correctly, will bring a much needed financial relief in our current day and age.


Working smart to overcome and grow;

Building a future on top the ruins of old.



Akropolis Project is first of it’s kind addressing a real socio-economic problem that could trigger anytime in pension industry which could lead us to a dramatic financial crisis that the world has never encountered. In terms of market, Akropolis is the first innovative project to address massive 400 trillion pension industry. Akropolis aims to leverage decentralized technologies like blockchain to deliver a secured, transparent, accountable and portable pension infrastructure that provides service to meet the modern workforce. with Akropolis your future will be in your hands and you can shape it accordingly.


Carve your future with Akropolis, your Global pension partner.



Akropolis is tackling a silent but incredibly relevant issue in modern societies, — the pension system. The aging of the population in developed countries is leading to a lack of budgetary balance to support the growing number of people reaching retirement age and living longer and longer. Akropolis’ goal is to create an alternative pension system by establishing transparent Smart Contract based Pension Fund Infrastructure.


Creating solutions for the global pensions system



Akropolis is a decentralised pension platform that offers transparent, accountable, and portable pension services for modern workers.

Five distinct groups of agents will interact on the platform; users (individual pension fund beneficiaries), pension funds, fund managers, asset tokenizers, and developers. The entire platform will use smart contracts to manage the relationship between agents.

Each agent will access the platform via a unique dashboard and be exposed to a unique set of incentives. Fund managers and other service providers will be required to stake tokens, which they will lose if they act dishonestly.

Ultimately, end users will be able to view various pension funds on one platform, even if they move from one employer to another. Self-employed individuals and those working as freelancers will also be able to build a retirement savings portfolio.


Transparent and stressless retirement



Humanity is still in its early days. As we build, discover and invent more and more — we face bigger and more complicated problems. Pension crisis, overpopulation, automatisation, climate change is only a few. How to handle them ?? One of the greatest minds in human history, Albert Einstein states: “The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them”. This means that the global pension crisis we face today will unlikely be solved by existing systems and actors. We need new solutions. And we have it — blockchain! Akropolis — building decentralised pension infrastructure, based on the blockchain, where people will be in full control of their savings.


Akropolis — retirement is not the end, it is only the beginning!!



Do you need to worry about your retirement savings? Can you trust making a decision about how much money you will have after the termination of work activity to someone other than yourself? Obviously not. And here comes the help of the project “Akropolis”, which offers a decentralized structure of pension deposits on the blockchain, where you can control your pension savings, and also provide yourself with additional passive income by providing your data for pension funds and fund managers.


Akropolis: a transparent present — a peaceful future.



Akropolis is a new blockchain project and it is promising an entirely new way of creating a pensions infrastructure.

By using blockchain, Akropolis will address the many faults in the current system including towering deficits between pension funds and liabilities, threatening the future of the pensions system. Proposed improvements include greater transparency, portability and reduced costs.


Choose today. A better future tomorrow. Akropolis



The pension scheme is a crucial issue that affects almost everyone. Because the system design to aid us during retirement is highly inefficient, there is a need to create a solution. The Akropolis Blockchain pension infrastructure using the flawless blockchain technology seeks to solve this problem by creating a decentralised system which is accessible to all regardless of age or race. Harnessing the blockchain technology Akropolis creates an economically efficient system; a system which is transparent, sustainable, accessible and controlled by users. With the Akropolis project, the pension problem which usually would take many years to address is eliminated.


Effective Retirement Through Blockchain For The People By The People



The pension system is in dire need of reform as many countries face a huge deficit in the funding of their pensions.

Inevitably there will be the need of changes if the system is to be sustainable in the long term, particularly as societies age and people live much longer. Indeed, scientists predict that babies born today in industrialized nations will live to 130 years old.

So the solution of Akropolis to offer an option that is more transparent, open, efficient and portable is to be commended. Any savings and efficiencies that can be achieved will be of much benefit to societies.


Times are changing. Adapt with us. Akropolis



Today most of us are young and carefree. But look at typical old and disabled people. Put yourself in their place. Not the best future? What can we do?

Akropolis is the answer to your questions. Akropolis is the team with more than 70 years experience of shaping pensions systems around the world and more than 15 years experience of building and shipping large-scale financial infrastructure solutions and blockchain solutions meeting. The ultimate goal of the project is to be a blockchain-agnostic pension provider that utilizes the most efficient and appropriate technologies to deliver the required services and features.

Pensions revolution is here and name for it is Akropolis :)


Don’t be late, think about future today together with Akropolis.

We will continue to announce the best submissions for Rounds 3, 4, 8 and 9 in the following days.

Do not forget that our creative challenge is ongoing in our Telegram chat — we are happy to invite you to participate with stickers packs, gifs, videos or graphics!




Akropolis is a provider of decentralised finance products that give users access to efficient and sustainable passive yield generation on multiple chains.