Improve Your Vocabulary

Sivi Ranju
Aksent Corporate Solution
3 min readFeb 26, 2019

According to me, I would suggest to learn new words who are need to improve your vocabulary. Give commitment to yourself to learn new word in each single day. You can expand your knowledge by learning new words. You should use these words while speaking and also while writing. This will help you to understand the language more clearly and more precisely. Besides commitment, learning new word is the fun activity. You can practice these activities with your friends, family or whomever you are comfortable with. The 7 tips for improving your vocabulary are,

1. Read, Read and Read: When you read more you will come to know about more words. When you read magazines, newspaper, novels and many other books you will come across many new words. By this you can learn many new words. These words can be used in vocabulary while speaking, writing, reading. When you are reading keep the dictionary near you so that you can learn new words with the meaning.

2. Keep a Dictionary and Thesaurus Handy: When you are reading the newspaper or magazine keep the dictionary near you as I said earlier. When you come across new words see the meaning and pronunciation in the dictionary. And then use the thesaurus to find related phrases, similar words and opposite words.

3. Use a Journal: You can have a list of new words, and you should note it down all those words. These words can be used in vocabulary while speaking or doing any activities. When you have this habit it is plus to you. You can learn more new words, compare to other words which are already learnt.

4. Learn a Word a Day: use a calendar or prepare list. This technique is good for learning a new words every day. Some may find these methods difficult others may find easy. No matter learn new words every day.

5. Go back to your roots: this is one of the great method of learning new words. Learn Greek or Latin words. These are roots for learning a new word.

6. Play Some Word Games: word game will help you to discover new words while playing. Examples such as puzzles, jumble words, scrabble and boggle.

7. Engage in Conversations: Simply talking with other people will help you to improve the vocabulary. you can slowly add new words to your vocabulary.

