Update: Do you recognize our Dashboard? ⚡️

Alakazam 🦄
Alakazam HQ
Published in
2 min readAug 29, 2019

Hey guys,

We’ve been working our butts off these last few weeks, to bring you something many of you have requested.

Focusing on improving the overall Alakazam experience, we’ve squashed a good amount of bugs * splat * and given our Marketing Assistant a little makeover.

You’ll see that we’ve made a few changes, and added some features we think you’re gonna love!

In-App Purchase Support

For the longest time, we’ve kept Alakazam’s base version completely free.

Last week we managed to ship out our Pro feature (which was in beta mode all this time) out to the wild! Go on, be free little one!

You can now get access to our Content Calendar for a monthly subscription fee of $19.99!

Dashboard Update

With our latest app version — 1.9.1 (Android) 1.9.2 (iOS, we have changed our dashboard based on the feedback you have given us.

We agree, the previous UI had a bit of a learning curve, especially since we were experimenting with new features to understand what you preferred. Some of you got lost inside the product (yes, I do take a look at what you like to click on, hehe) but now the Dashboard is much cleaner.

We’ve focused on directing you towards the Create Post feature, and giving you quick access to the rest of our awesome tools!

We have more exciting stuff coming soon, and as we progress, I’ll be writing weekly blogs on the product updates and what the product will be morphing into.

Look forward to more updates and improvements coming out in the next week!

You can download Alakazam from the below link

I’ll catch you next time.



Alakazam 🦄
Alakazam HQ

VP of Growth at Alakazam. Just a unicorn writing about Digital Marketing hacks and other exciting things.