AWS Amplify GraphQL, Query using Multiple OR/AND filters

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3 min readJan 3, 2023
AWS Amplify GraphQL, Query using Multiple OR/AND filters

AWS Amplify is a framework that allows developers to easily build and deploy cloud-powered applications. One of the key features of AWS Amplify is its support for GraphQL, a flexible and powerful query language that allows developers to request exactly the data they need from a server. In this article, we will explore how to use AWS Amplify to query a GraphQL API with multiple OR/AND filters.

First, let’s take a look at the basics of GraphQL filtering. In GraphQL, you can use filters to narrow down the results of a query based on certain criteria. Filters are specified using the where argument in a query, and can be used to filter on any field in the schema. For example, if you have a GraphQL API with a Person type that has fields for name, age, and location, you could use filters to find all people with a certain name, age, or location.

Filters can be combined using logical operators such as AND and OR. The AND operator is used to specify that multiple filters must be met, while the OR operator is used to specify that at least one of the filters must be met. For example, you could use the following query to find all people who are either over the age of 30 or live in a specific location:

query {
people(where: {
OR: [
{ age: { gt: 30 } },
{ location: { eq: "San Francisco" } }
}) {

In this query, the people field is the root field of the query, and the where argument is used to specify the filters. The OR operator is used to specify that the results should include all people who are either over the age of 30 or live in San Francisco. The gt and eq operators are used to specify greater than and equal to, respectively.

Now that we’ve covered the basics of GraphQL filtering, let’s take a look at how to use AWS Amplify to query a GraphQL API with multiple OR/AND filters.

To get started with AWS Amplify, you will need to install the AWS Amplify CLI and configure it with your AWS credentials. Once you have the CLI installed, you can use it to create a new Amplify project and add a GraphQL API to your project.

To query the GraphQL API with multiple OR/AND filters using AWS Amplify, you will need to use the API module. The API module provides a simple interface for making GraphQL queries and mutations, and it includes support for filtering.

Here is an example of how to use the API module to query a GraphQL API with multiple OR/AND filters:

import Amplify, { API } from 'aws-amplify';

const query = `
query {
people(where: {
AND: [
{ OR: [{ name: { eq: "John" } }, { name: { eq: "Jane" } }] },
{ OR: [{ age: { gt: 30 } }, { location: { eq: "San Francisco" } }] }
}) {

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