How much does the development of a mobile application cost? How much does the development of a web page cost?

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5 min readAug 7, 2020

One of the first questions our clients ask us is this: How much does the development of my app or website cost? And it is one of the most difficult to answer in a first contact. The price of an app depends on many factors, the functionalities it includes, the design, animations, customization, the technology to be integrated (native, multiplatform, web, etc.).

And we always make the same reflection to the client: “It is like asking a constructor, How much is my house going to cost? Without telling him, how many rooms do you want, meters, if you want a garden, swimming pool, etc.”

The price of a mobile or web application can range from 3.000 Euros to 100.000 Euros and even more. In particular, there is no single price for the development of an application or web page.

To estimate a budget for mobile applications on Android or iPhone, as well as a budget for a web page, we must carry out a personalized study of the idea of each client. All apps / websites are different, so it is necessary to detail each and every one of the features or functions that your project would carry. While some projects can be created in 50 hours, others may require 500, some do not require much maintenance, and others require continuous maintenance.

We are sure that if you have a project, an idea that is yours, and that you see it as your future, you will want us to do our best to make it come true. And that’s why we do things right from the beginning.

After this introduction, let’s get down to business!

Factors to take into account to create a budget for an application or website:

  • Features: Some features require a certain development time. Some may be “easy” to perform and will not take the development team long. However, you should know that other aspects will require more effort and, therefore, will be more expensive.

For example, a contact form can be added quickly, but a geographic tracking system will require more effort. Surely you are thinking… geographic tracking, when you are hungry and ask in your favorite delivery app, you check every 2 seconds where your order is.

  • Time: If you need the development before a specific date, the price will go up a bit. On the other hand, if you are more flexible and in no rush, you can adjust a delivery period and the development cost will be adjusted more.
  • User interface and design: The client and the developer must agree on the objectives to be achieved. What do you want to convey with the brand + app / web association? Who are its users? And how do they behave? What do they have access to? etc.

Examples of budgets for mobile applications:

To get an idea of how much a mobile app developed for Android and iOS costs. Remember that these can vary greatly depending on the functionalities:

  • Social network application: between € 8,000 and € 25,000. Pricing depends on design, functionality, and privacy and security software. Ex: Tinder, Instagram, etc.
  • Marketing application: between € 2,000 and € 5,000. This app could be, for example, to promote events, private uses, and in many cases, it is only used at a certain point in time. Eg: conferences, specific events.
  • Delivery application: between € 8,000 and € 35,000. The price depends on functionalities such as payment per app, order tracking, multi-store or uni-store, etc. Ex: Globo, Delivero, etc.
  • Fitness application: between € 8,000 and € 15,000. Control of calories, training, diet history. Ex: MyFitnessPal.
  • Transport application: between € 12,000 and € 50,000. The price depends on functionalities such as transport reservation, GPS tracking, schedules, in-app charging. Ex: MyTaxi, Uber.
  • Reservations and appointments application: between € 12,000 and € 50,000. The price depends on functionalities such as appointment booking on time, appointment tracking, history, etc. Ex: TreatWell, AirBnb.
  • Informational list application: between € 9,000 and € 20,000. The price depends on functionalities such as search, filters, profiles, map, favorites, comments, reviews, login, etc. Ex: TripAdvisor, FourSquare.
  • Internal management applications: between € 9,000 and € 20,000. In the latter case, how much the app costs to make depends on the amount of interaction possibilities between the employees and the administrator. Such as, for example, signing contracts through the app, assigning tasks to an employee, chat function, etc.
  • Marketplace applications: between € 8,000 and € 20,000. The price of this mobile application will depend on factors such as the number of users and roles, functionalities (chat, payments, etc.) and user interactions.

Additional costs for mobile applications:

When analyzing how much it costs to make an app, you should not miss expenses such as:

  • The Stores: For your app to be available, it is essential to reserve a space and thus be visible to your users. In this case, both Stores, Apple store and Google Play Store are done by creating a development account. As if it were your place in a shopping center.
  • Application in the Play Store: Registration as a developer has a cost of $ 25 (one-time payment).
  • Application in Apple Store: The cost of registration as a developer is $ 99 with annual renewal.

Examples of budgets for web pages and applications:

To get an idea of how much a page or web application adapted to all devices costs. Remember that these can vary greatly depending on the functionalities:

  • Promotional Website: between € 400 and € 1200. The Famous Landing Pages, promote your product or service. Generate leads and work Marketing. And one of the most demanded things, show your restaurant menu with style.
  • Corporate Website: between € 800 and € 2100. Most of these websites are based on a main page, team, product / service and contact. From the typical to the lively.
  • Web for e-commerce and online sales: between € 2,000 and € 8,000. The price of this website will depend on factors such as the number of products, functionalities (discounts, gift wrap, promotions, personalized design, inventory management, etc.)
  • Internal management website: between € 8,000 and € 15,000. In the latter case, how much it costs to make the web depends on the amount of interaction possibilities between the employees and the administrator. Such as, for example, signing contracts through the web, assigning tasks to an employee, chat function, etc.
  • Website for Marketplace: between € 12,000 and € 20,000. The price of this website will depend on factors such as the number of users and roles, functionalities (chat, payments, etc.) and user interactions.

Additional costs for the websites:

When it comes to analyzing how much it costs to make a page or web application, you should not miss expenses such as:

  • External costs: hosting, data storage, marketing, stock images, map service, copy, etc.

It all seems very complicated, but it is not!

We would love to help you, offer you a first conversation to talk about your ideas and help you focus on them.

We have been working on technology projects for more than 8 years, with large, medium-sized companies (SMEs), small companies, startups, freelancers and dreamers.

Alameda Dev. Is a 100% remote team. Specialized in developing mobile applications, websites and advanced software in the React ecosystem.

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AlamedaDev provides full-service end-to-end software. Experts in modern software development and AI solutions