Re:Humanism Prize: to go beyond limits of Artificial Intelligence

Alfredo Adamo
Alan Advantage
Published in
4 min readOct 29, 2018
Re:Humanism Concept

Re:Humanism prize borns thinking about some of the most challenges of our period as the spreading of new technologies that is radically changing roles and habits within our societies.
Marginalised categories (i.e. young people and women), can now benefit the strong jolt that these changes are giving to social equilibria.

Actually, other and more problematic shifts are surfacing, concerning what seem to be intrinsic limits of all technologies:

The low flexibility of softwares and machines, including the most advanced ones, and their tendency to underestimate values that are fundamental for humans.

The technological trend of humanization

Recent years’ tendency is to stress further developments of new technologies towards an humanisation both of their interaction with men and of logical processes that guide the potential decisions.
In this sense we can read the search of new synergies between Artificial Intelligence and Art to show to the market.

Following the same direction Alan Advantage has decided to propose Re:Humanism prize, a project entirely devoted to the valorisation of artistic projects technological based or reflecting on the impact of Artificial Intelligence on humanity.
If the goal of art is to create emotions and/or to provoke moments of reflection in those admiring the works, Re:Humanism’s purpose is to create a dialogue among stakeholders of advanced technologies and creative people, in order to offer solutions “humanising new technologies”.

Technology for Art

Re: Humanism starts from an essential assumption: art and technology have always been closely connected to each other in human history, sometimes more profoundly than we think.
If technology benefits from skills typically related to arts such as intuition and creativity, vice versa, arts can rely on technology as a language through which reality is interpreted.

The creation of more refined technologies is such a distinctive trait of our species that the same nomenclature of human historical eras is influenced by it: see copper age, bronze age, etc.

Power of art is no less revolutionary: the Renaissance is an example of how art can raise the fate of entire countries, while personalities such as Leonardo Da Vinci show us the importance of polyhedral skills such mathematics, design and engineering to create innovation.

In the work below, for example, Google’s AI software, Deep Dream, created an highly imaginative composition starting from random patterns to which it added brushstrokes of colors based on shapes only basically outlined.

Moonage Daydream: art created by Deep Dream. Photograph: Deep Dream Source: The Guardian

4 — The “Re: Humanism” project

Italy has always held a natural attitude in all contexts on which there is an artistic and creative component.
Feedbacks of many Alan Advantage international partners respect this analyse, recognising a great merit to Italian typical lateral-reasoning expertise, so as to require support for the analysis and testing of new technologies and processes on the markets.

Re:Humanism aims to focus on what the markets more appreciate and demand: a return to the humanisation of business processes, an implementation of new technologies thought out in an artistic key that really put people’s needs at the center.
The project foresees a competition between artists from all over the world, absolute freedom on how express the concept which must, however, revolve around the themes of technology, art and social consequences.

We can not stop the change: it is too fast and at the basis of our economy, but we can try to influence the direction toward this process moves. The most important issue is to establish what we want to become.
“Sapiens” by Yuval Noah Harari, inspirer of the entire project

5- Participate in Re: Humanism

Application submission deadlines: Participation in the Re: Humanism project is possible until 12.00 on November 20th 2018.

How to present the application: The artistic project, written on a PDF document, must be sent to the e-mail box of the project manager and art curator Daniela Cotimbo;

Type of Candidate Projects: We do not want to limit the creativity of the participants. The aim is to stimulate the creation of original and stimulating artistic works that make people reflect, entertain or propose solutions in an artistic way.
To stimulate both participation and creation of the works, 2 residence awards will guarantee the artists to work in Alan Advantage HQ and exploit the technical support of AI experts and of FabLab laboratories of Lazio Innova and Ca ‘Foscari University of Venice for the prototyping phase.

The prizes:

  • 1st: € 5000 cash prize offered by Alan Advantage;
  • 2nd: € 3000 cash prize financed by one or more companies of Alan Advantage Network;
  • 3rd: a residency program — economic support of the economic value of 2,000.00 € and the possibility to develop their project directly in the company and supported by a team of experts in the field of Artificial Intelligence technologies;
  • The first 10 selected will participate in an exclusive exhibition in Rome with a coverage of the participation costs of 500 € for each artist, except for the winners of the first 3 prizes

Anyone interested in having more details about the project visit our website or directly contact the event manager Daniela Cotimbo.






Alfredo Adamo
Alan Advantage

Experienced Executive with a demonstrated history of working in the management consulting industry. Skilled in Business Modeling, Innovation Management, AI