A new iteration of our engineering career path at Alan — Level C0

This is a companion article of the more global one the engineering career path at Alan.

This article focuses on the level C0.

Level C0

Your mandate is to grow while actively contributing.

  • Scope of Impact: You can demonstrate clear impact on problems that you own.
  • Expertise: You are autonomous on core skills, building fluency and mastery on the full-spectrum.
  • Leadership: You are autonomous to drive your projects, with support for scoping and framing or when the project becomes too ambiguous.

Scope of impact

You can demonstrate a clear impact on problems that you own.

Demonstrate a clear impact on problems that you own

  • You’re productive and actively contributing to your team delivery, by owning and shipping well-defined tasks.
  • You are autonomous on tasks well-framed with limited ambiguity. These can be product or technical tasks from the team’s backlog.
  • You actively participate in the core rituals of the team (planning, on-call, …)
  • You craft straightforward pull requests that are easy to review.


You are autonomous on core skills, building fluency and mastery on the full-spectrum.

Autonomous on core skills

  • You are operational with all of Alan’s core technologies and know when to ask for help instead of stalling.
  • You can troubleshoot your own work, with help from more senior engineers when you’re stuck.
  • You are familiar with Alan’s testing practices and leverage them effectively.
  • You can give precise technical updates on tasks you have completed and bugs that have been raised.

Building fluency and mastery

  • You accept feedback gracefully and learn from the experience of the engineers around you
  • You voice your concerns or need for clarifying expectations when needed.


You are autonomous to drive your projects, with support for scoping and framing or when the project becomes too ambiguous.

Autonomous to drive your projects

  • You can own the implementation of your projects once the scope is clearly defined.
  • You are able to give input on the definition of the scope and technical approach of your projects.
  • You consistently keep your team informed of progress and are able to flag changes in scope on a specific project.

with support for scoping and framing

  • You are able to quickly align with more senior engineers on scope and technical approach.
  • You make sure that all your assumptions have been verified before your work starts.

Engineering team impact

We don’t expect you to have an impact on the team at this level and encourage you to focus your energy on your personal growth.

