Why does Alan as a health insurer have so many audits?

Maxime Auvy
Alan Product and Technical Blog
5 min readMay 22, 2024

Hey there! You might not think about it often, but insurance companies like us at Alan 👋 undergo a lot of audits. These aren’t just for show — they’re crucial for ensuring that we provide the best possible service while staying compliant, financially stable, and secure. Let’s break it down! Grab a coffee, sit back, and join us as we dive into the world of insurance auditing and reporting.

Photo by Agence Olloweb on Unsplash

⚖ Regulatory compliance: keeping it legal

First things first, we have to follow the law : Code du Commerce, Code des Assurances
 Regulatory bodies such as the ACPR ( đŸ‡«đŸ‡· AutoritĂ© de ContrĂŽle Prudentiel et de RĂ©solution) in France set strict rules to ensure insurance companies are reliable and stable. These audits aren’t just red tape — they’re essential to make sure we’re playing by the rules and protecting our policyholders. Think of it as a teacher checking your homework to make sure you’re on the right track.

đŸ’¶ Financial stability: show me the money!

Insurance is all about being there when you need us the most, and that’s why we need to prove that we have enough money to cover our promises. That’s where the Solvency II (SolvabilitĂ© II in đŸ‡«đŸ‡·) directive comes in: it’s basically a set of solvency rules applicable to insurance companies in the đŸ‡ȘđŸ‡ș European Union.

Statutory auditors (Commissaires aux Comptes) play a crucial role in verifying the accuracy of our financial statements. These independent auditors ensure that our financial reporting is transparent and complies with all legal requirements. It’s like having a financial wellness check-up — making sure we’re healthy and strong!

đŸ›Ąïž Risk management: playing it safe

Let’s face it, the world is full of risks. That’s why we have audits to manage operational and insurance-related risks. These audits help us identify potential issues and fix them before they become big problems. It’s like having a safety net to catch any falling acrobats in a circus — you might not always see it, but it’s crucial.

🔐 Data protection and IT security: guarding the gate

In today’s digital age, protecting your data is paramount. Even if they’re rare, CNIL (Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des LibertĂ©s, the French Data Protection Authority) audits make sure we’re compliant with data protection laws, safeguarding your personal information. Alan has already undergone a CNIL audit (see here), and we regularly discuss our data policies with this body. Additionally, IT security audits (like — but not limited to — penetration testing) keep our systems safe from cyber threats. Such audits can also be requested by other actors: clients may ask for it, and it can also be part of the ACPR checks!

🛂 Internal controls and governance: keeping things in check

Preventing fraud and ensuring good governance are vital. Internal controls and governance audits help us detect and prevent fraud, ensuring that our processes are robust and reliable. Such things are generally internal and don’t always qualify as a full audit, but governance for instance is something many companies have to describe in their RSE report (ResponsabilitĂ© SociĂ©tale des Entreprises), like we do at Alan. We use this opportunity to look in the mirror, and ask ourselves if we’re doing things well.

✅ Quality assurance: because you deserve the best

We pride ourselves on providing top-notch service. Claims management audits ensure that we handle your claims fairly and efficiently. After all, we’re here to make your life easier, not harder.

🌍 Compliance with international standards: going global

We aim for the stars, which means complying with international standards like ISO certifications as they reinforce the trust between a company and its partners. Note that complying with ISO standards is optional: here at Alan, we’re currently on our way towards ISO 27001 certification, which is a choice we made deliberately. We’re deeply convinced we owe the best security and privacy practices to our members- and this certification will allow to demonstrate it. The audits coming from this choice (both those needed to get the initial certification, and the regular ones to keep it) help us maintain high operational standards and build a stellar reputation.

đŸ§‘â€đŸ€â€đŸ§‘ Stakeholder confidence: building trust

Last but certainly not least, audits help build trust with our investors and stakeholders. Regular audits ensure that we’re financially healthy and well-governed. This trust is the foundation of our success.

🎁 Wrapping it up

So, there you have it! Audits (and reporting!) might seem like a lot of work, but they’re essential for ensuring that we provide the best possible service while staying compliant, financially stable, and secure. At Alan, we take these audits seriously because we know they help us stay at the top of our game and, most importantly, protect you — our valued members.

🧠 Extra details for curious minds

Regulatory compliance:

  • Legal requirements: We undergo audits by the ACPR to ensure we meet all legal standards. This includes financial solvency, operational stability, and ethical practices.
  • Consumer protection: These audits are designed to protect you, our policyholders, by ensuring we can pay out claims and provide the services we promise.

Financial stability:

  • Solvency II: This European regulation requires us to hold enough capital to cover all our liabilities and to organize our Internal Audit key function.
  • Statutory audits: Statutory auditors validate our financial reports to ensure accuracy and compliance with legal standards. These auditors provide an independent perspective, enhancing the credibility of our financial health.
  • Transparency: Regular financial audits by independent auditors confirm that our financial statements are accurate and transparent, which is crucial for maintaining trust.

Risk management:

  • Operational risks: We have internal audits to assess our processes and identify any risks that could disrupt our operations.
  • Insurance risks: Actuarial audits ensure our pricing models and reserves are adequate to cover future claims.

Data protection and IT security:

  • GDPR compliance: CNIL audits ensure we comply with data protection laws, keeping your personal information safe.
  • Cybersecurity: IT security audits check our defenses against cyber threats, ensuring our systems are secure.

Internal controls and governance:

  • Fraud prevention: Internal controls help us detect and prevent fraudulent activities.
  • Good governance: Audits and reporting ensure that our governance practices are robust and effective, promoting transparency and accountability.

Quality assurance:

  • Claims management: We audit our claims processes to ensure they are efficient and fair, maintaining high standards of service.
  • Customer service: Operational audits help us continuously improve our quality of service, ensuring you have a great experience with us.

Compliance with international standards:

  • ISO certifications: We aim to comply with international standards like ISO 27001 for information security, demonstrating our commitment to excellence.

Stakeholder confidence:

  • Investor trust: Regular audits provide assurance to our investors that we are financially healthy and well-managed.
  • Reputation management: Maintaining a strong audit record helps us build and maintain a stellar reputation in the market.

Stay safe, stay insured, and remember — we’ve got your back!

