I Call This Look…

Alana Hope Levinson
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2 min readJul 2, 2015

Sandra, the cutest counselor at clown camp.

Sandra is in her early 30s but she is a “lifer,” having gone to camp every summer since she was a child (she comes from a family of recreational clowns).

Sandra works as a receptionist most of the year, but clowning is her true passion — something none of her coworkers know. They think she goes on an annual cruise to the Caribbean.

Sandra believes whole-heartedly that “it’s never too late to have a happy childhood” — one of the camp’s mottos. It’s what keeps her coming back to Mendocino year after year.

Sandra got this onesie as a present on her 10th year of attendance from Smiley Stu, the legendary clown who founded the camp in the late 70s.

Sandra has always had a weird thing for Stu, but she can’t figure out if it’s simply adoration for his transcendent work in the clown community or actual sexual attraction. He is 70 but looks 50 tops.

Sandra loves to wear the onesie to breakfast because she gets a lot of attention from the other clowns (they all know it was a present from their leader). But one time she bent over to pick up a dropped fork and the butt flap opened. That was embarrassing!

