I Call This Look…

Nick Douglas
2 min readJul 15, 2015

Jonathan has a five-year plan.

Jonathan’s plan is divided not into stages, but “spheres of Jonfluence.”

Sphere 1: Personal

Jon buys most of his clothes through Kickstarter. He hoped to replace his entire wardrobe with crowd-sourced items by 2016, but he had to extend the timeline after a few projects, in his words, “bit me in the arse.”

In 2017, Jonathan hopes to visit the United Kingdom for the first time. He’s planning a castle tour, so he can “feel what Tyrion would feel.”

Sphere 2: Professional

This spring, Jonathan quit his job (on the mobile design team at Business Insider) after his automated mashup creator (OS X only) was featured on the App Store. While he often comments wryly on /r/apple, where he is an assistant moderator, about Apple’s hefty revenue share, he draws a steady income, enough to sustain him if he can build a new app by next year.

Meanwhile Jonathan hopes his podcast, “The Care and Grooming of the Male of the Species,” attracts advertisers seeking a niche audience with “attractive demographics”.

Sphere 3: Romantic

Jonathan recently revamped his Tinder profile, replacing the Hitchhiker’s Guide quotes with Infinite Jest quotes to reflect his maturing literary taste. He’s up-front about his preference for polyamory, though he has no current romantic involvements.

Jonathan is working on being bolder in real life, and has successfully gotten the email addresses of several women he met while “laptopping” at the Daily Bean. He currently has three scheduled dates, all at the same beer garden.

“It’s gonna be the Summer of Jon!” he says, in a George Costanza voice. “But FIVE summers!” He likes to remix pop-culture quotes. “It’s like I added a zesty ingredient to a word cocktail.” He describes the habit on his WordPress blog, which bears an attribution, non-commercial, share-alike license.

