Alana Hope Levinson
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2 min readAug 3, 2015


Paris Métro Line 11

I was coming back from a night at my best friend’s after learning that I was pregnant. I was 20 and it was an unplanned and unwanted pregnancy. I knew I would have to get an abortion and I was mostly okay with it but still not overjoyed. My friend had been with me from the moment I had taken the test until she put me on my train the following day. It was my first time being alone since I had learned about my pregnancy, and I was listening to a very sad playlist because I’m not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed. It made it so much worse.

I was sitting in a crowded métro, trying to contain my tears until I got home, when a woman got on and sat right in front of me, bumping my knees with hers in the process. It made me mad, because I’m a Parisian and have absolutely no patience or compassion, but I didn’t say anything. I just sighed audibly and went back to staring through the window and listening to the saddest song on my playlist.

And then it came, the uncontrollable sobbing. I just couldn’t stop the tears from falling; I was weeping and trying to remain as still and silent as I could. I felt so bad and so mad and I really really really didn’t want to be pregnant and go through all the appointments and shit and I just wanted it to be over. But I knew it was just the beginning.

As I was sulking and trying to will time to go backwards so I could avoid all of this, the woman in front of me took out a tissue from her purse and gave it to me. Then she put her hand on my knee and said “everything will be okay eventually” and I just lost it. I smiled and I cried and blew my nose in the tissue she gave me and felt like a weight was lifted from my shoulders. And I felt so bad for insulting her in my head when she bumped my knees. I’ve tried to be as nice as possible to people ever since because I know that people like her exist. They might bump into you by accident but also give you love and comfort when you need it the most. 🚃

— Jack Parker

