Eight things I’ve learned from my first eight years of marriage

Alan Bentrup
Hope Springs Eternal
2 min readJun 18, 2013

On June 18, 2005, Elizabeth walked down the aisle and became my wife. She has taught me many things, like how to cook, how to do laundry and how to change a diaper. She’s also taught me a few things about love:

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Elizabeth and I during our honeymoon on the Oregon coast. I’ve lost a bit of weight since then…[/caption]

1. Love survives impatience

I’m known to be a calm, even-keeled person at work. At home, my wife sometimes sees a different side. The dog won’t go outside, the boys won’t put their shoes on, or I can’t find my keys. Many things can test my patience. Elizabeth loves me anyway.

2. Love survives unkindness

I can be very sarcastic. With that, I often can say stupid things that sometimes are unkind. Elizabeth loves me anyway.

3. Love survives pride

I’m a competitive person, and I like to accomplish things. Too often, I’m too proud of the things I’ve accomplished and I don’t fully appreciate others who have helped me get there. Elizabeth loves me anyway.

4. Love survives rudeness

I leave the seat up. I use the last drop of toothpaste. I forget to put things on the grocery list. Elizabeth loves me anyway.

5. Love survives self-seeking

Amazingly, my car often drives to the places I want to go. And I often like to pick what TV show we watch or what food we eat. Elizabeth loves me anyway.

6. Love survives the easily angered

I lose my temper sometimes, at the simplest of instigators. I can’t relax because she or the kids need me. We’re out of soda (because I didn’t put it on the list). Elizabeth loves me anyway.

7. Love survives a record of wrongs

The record of my wrongs is a mile long (at least). Elizabeth loves me anyway.

8. Love never fails

I’ve failed Elizabeth many times, and I’m certain that will continue. There are some times I’m sure she doesn’t like me very much. But she loves me anyways.

And I will always love her.



Alan Bentrup
Hope Springs Eternal

Priest in The Episcopal Church. Co-founder and curator of Missional Voices. I write about mission and innovation in the Church. I root for Frogs and Rangers.