Tucker Carlson vs BUGS

I bet he doesn’t even cook his steak over a real fire.

Mary Baker
God Damn Independents
2 min readApr 20, 2023


I’m a girl. Well, female. And blond. But I cook my ribeye over a real fire, not a sissy-ass gas grill, which I am 98% certain is what Tucker Carlson would use if he could even figure out how to light it.

Recently, Carlson produced a special that appears to be about how some Deep State Illuminati Cartel is trying to force us all to eat … BUGS!

The horror.

I notice he features a clip of actress Nicole Kidman eating bugs as his “proof” of this dark conspiracy. Gee … a delicate, blond Australian actress. Did he address his angst years ago with renowned chef Anthony Bourdain for eating bugs? Or referring to lobsters as “bugs” in his best-selling cookbook Les Halles? Of course not. (Lobsters are a crustacean and share a common ancestor with cockroaches.)

Bourdain, sadly, has passed away. But has Carlson interviewed chef and FoodTV star Andrew Zimmern about eating bugs? Of course not.

In Tucker Carlson’s Fox News libertarian world, guns and insults should be unfettered, gas stoves are threatened, Goodnight Moon should be permanently banned, tofu and kombucha are emergent threats to masculinity, and we can’t eat bugs even if we wanted to.

Tucker Carlson calls it a “push” to eat bugs — as opposed to a personal choice, like say, veganism. He also refers to consuming insects as a “compliance test”.

Full disclosure: I have a mealworm farm in my garage.

Tucker Carlson is a wimp. And he wants to wimpify America.

Here is Tucker Carlson at my last barbecue. ;)



Mary Baker
God Damn Independents

Freelance writer. Conservative-leaning, mostly moderate Independent. Libra. Loves good food and wine.