(Simple) Amazon Opsworks Hipchat room notifications

Wojciech Ziniewicz
Stories imported from wordpress
1 min readSep 4, 2013

I’m uberhappy to announce release of my next Amazon Opsworks Chef cookbook for sending deployment notifications to specified rooms.

Sourcecode and deployment-ready chef cookbook is here : https://github.com/wzin/opsworks_hipchat

You will just have to modify your Opsworks stack settings, adding two additional attributes to deploy[:application] which are : hipchat_api_key and hipchat_room_id so it looks like this:

[code language=”ruby”]
{ “deploy”: {
“my_fancy_app”: {
“hipchat_token” : “69d2627efe8f564c1cc0b6341e3291”,
“hipchat_room_id”: “206231”,
“hipchat_run_on” : “rails-app1”,
“database”: {
“database”: “my_fancy_app_production”,
“adapter”: “postgresql”,
“host”: “db1”,
“reconnect”: true,
“username”: “my_fancy_app_production”,
“password”: “rigfjnremwds”
“symlink_before_migrate”: {
“config/database.yml”: “config/database.yml”,
“config/s3.yml”: “config/s3.yml”,
“config/sendgrid.yml”: “config/sendgrid.yml”,
“config/application.yml”: “config/application.yml”,
“config/sunspot.yml”: “config/sunspot.yml”

