How we do recruiting

Nina Hübner
Alasco Tech
Published in
4 min readFeb 16, 2021

How you can best prepare for our recruiting process

As a recruiter it is my mission to find the best talents, eager to bring in new ideas whilst challenging and changing an entire industry. Recruiting is always an exciting process, not only for the candidate, but also for me.

Sometimes recruiting processes seem intransparent and a bit mysterious. To take a bit of this mystery I decided to compile an overview of our recruiting process. Since it is similar to others, I’ve further added a “💡 How to prepare list” below to help not only applicants in becoming one of our new team members, but also fellow recruiters to prepare for the process.

What happens after you applied for one of our open positions at Alasco?

We have one designated inbox for all applications to make sure no email or notification from our ATS gets lost. After screening the applications, the recruiting process is made up of three following parts: Pre-Interview, Main Interview and Founder Interview (usually in combination with a Team Meet).


In this first video call I want to get to know you as a person. We will talk about your previous experience and I want to find out more about your motivation for working at Alasco. The interview takes about 30 minutes and it will cover questions such as: What is your current role? Why do you want to switch jobs? What is important to you in a workplace? What are you looking for in a new employer? Of course we will also talk about the position you applied for. Finishing the Pre-Interview I am more than happy to answer all of your questions and tell you more about the work and life at Alasco!

💡 How to prepare for the Pre-Interview:

  • It sounds like a cliché, but first and foremost: Be yourself. After all, my main goal is to get to know you as the person that you are.
  • Think about what you want to highlight in your CV. What do you want me to know about you? What had the most impact on your career?
  • Gather information about Alasco. An Interview is always exciting and you might be nervous, therefore I recommend writing down some questions on things you are curious about.

Task & Main Interview

Once you pass the Pre-Interview stage you will receive an invitation to the next round of the process. Some positions do have an extra stage solely for a task, e.g. a coding challenge for software engineers. But for the majority of positions it is one stage, which means you will be preparing a task for the Main Interview with the hiring manager. While the Pre-Interview focuses on you as an individual, this 60 to 90 minute interview with your potential new team lead serves as a technical and professionally oriented interview. This is your opportunity to show us your skills, the way you work and how you approach new challenges 📈.

💡 How to prepare for the Main Interview:

  • Prepare the task thoroughly.
  • Think about questions specifically about the position going into more detail than before.
  • Don’t be shy to ask questions about the team, tools or other topics that are not directly related to your task or the position.

Founder Interview & Team Meet

The final stage of our interview process consists of an one hour Founder Interview and a brief Team Meet. Alasco started with our three founders and we want to give you and them the opportunity to get to know each other. This truly gives you the chance to understand the intention and the purpose of Alasco. Our Team Meet aims at getting a glimpse of the people you will be working with. They are also curious about meeting new potential colleagues. Maybe there even is a question you didn’t want to ask in the official interview, feel free to get an even deeper insight into Alasco from your future colleagues.

💡 How to prepare for the Founder Interview & Team Meet:

  • This interview is probably the hardest to prepare for as it is the last step for you to really get to know the company, culture and our founders. Again, I encourage you to think about questions that are interesting or important to you.

Other than that our number one tip for all the interview is:

  • Be yourself! One of our core values is “Be nett”. That means appreciation towards different people in every respect, proactive communication and being objective and caring. Thus, with this 3 step process we want to understand who you really are!

Join the team!

You are curious about Alasco, our purpose and our working culture? Check out our open positions here and become part of an industry-changing team. Or get more information about our working culture in this short video from my colleagues Hanna and Anselm (Alasco co-founder):

