ALAX attends the first major blockchain conference in Vietnam

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3 min readMar 9, 2018

Over 300 professionals in Tech, Finance and Marketing met during Vietnam Blockchain Week, an event organized by Infinity Blockchain Labs in order to expand their knowledge and networks. The conference took place in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam on March 7th & 8th, 2018.

Our own Co-Founder, Matej Michalko spoke in front of a large Blockchain community of tech-savvy professionals and knowledge junkies. In his speech on the future of digital assets distribution, he discussed a number of use cases, illustrating the advantages on ALAX. The Vietnam conference hosted 1,500 participants, 50 speakers, over 500 companies and included presentations from 15 case studies.

ALAX Co-founder Matej Michalko

Matej had an opportunity not only to present the project to multiple entrepreneurs and startups, but also to meet and shake hands with David Elson, one of our liaisons in Vietnam working on the ALAX project, they had an opportunity to talk in detail about our TGE which is rapidly approaching. The TGE (Token Generation Event) is planned for April 17th!

Many leaders in the industry decided to participate at the conference, for example Nguyen Hung Nguyen, CIO of the National Payment Corporation of Vietnam (NAPAS) who is responsible for IT infrastructure with the main ambition towards faster, more convenient and more secure electronic payments in Vietnam.

Charles Hoskinson, CEO of Invictus, the company behind Cardano (currently ranked 7th by market cap on, and former CEO of Ethereum, came to Vietnam to talk about “Third-generation Blockchains”.

The topic of “NEO Smart Economy and Governance” was explained by Malcolm Lerider, Senior R&D Manager of China’s largest blockchain platform NEO. With his profound knowledge and expertise in software development, R&D and blockchain technology he was one of the key speakers of Vietnam Blockchain Week 2018.

The list of big names in attendance is too long to cover here, but some other leaders of innovation who gave presentations and speeches include Adam Vaziri (CEO of QRC & Board Member, UK Digital Currency Association) and Alex Medana (Board Member at Fintech Association Hong Kong). To see the full list of the conference speakers click here.

The success of this conference puts Vietnam in the driver’s seat as they are building an important position in the world’s information and communication industry (ICT) empowering blockchain and 4.0 technologies, the key theme of the event. ALAX is proud to have been a part of this country’s first major blockchain conference.

Matej Michalko and David Elson

We are growing our community and will be involved in many upcoming events. We are looking forward to seeing you there. If you haven’t already, check out our webpage where you can sign up for our newsletter and read up on all the things we are working on in our whitepaper. For even more information about the project join our Telegram channel or follow us on social media!




ALAX intends to bring fresh air to the Gaming Industry worldwide. The purpose is to develop & support Mobile Games Distribution Platform in emerging markets.