ALAX is Here!

Published in
2 min readFeb 23, 2018

The Blockchain-based distribution platform allowing app and game developers to reach tens of millions of ‘unbanked’ consumers

Recently we released our white paper outlining further details of our token structure and announcing that our TGE will begin on April 17th 2018.

We are preparing to announce a number of intended partnerships, which will see the platform preinstalled on millions of smartphones, particularly in the fast-growing South-East Asian and South Asian mobile markets.

Access to millions of ‘unbanked’ consumers

Our token-based platform will give developers access to tens of millions of game and app consumers who do not use credit or debit cards (the World Bank Global Finance Index 2014 identified 2 billion ‘unbanked’ adults worldwide), yet do have relatively easy access to cash and 3G/LTE smartphones.

With our platform, customers will be able to purchase ALA tokens in cash through the existing Dragonfly retailer network. ALA tokens are then used in-app to purchase games and apps directly from the developer. This speeds up transactions, reduces the price of content, and opens gaming and app purchases to customers without access to traditional methods of payment.

The platform will also represent a fairer deal for developers: DECENT estimates that traditional purchase methods result in game developers currently receiving a maximum of 70% profit from an app, with payments often taking up to 6 months to be processed. In contrast, ALA token payments will be made directly to the developer, and can then be exchanged for a FIAT currency (USD, EUR, THB, PH, etc) at any time.

Mobile games revenue in Southeast Asia is predicted to reach $2.4 billion by 2021 and, with other intended partnerships also in the pipeline, ALAX will provide app and game developers with access to millions of new consumers in emerging markets.

TGE begins on April 17th 2018

The ALAX Token Generation Event (TGE) will begin on April 17th, and will last 6 days. 1 billion ALX tokens will be issued, and these tokens can be used to acquire ALA tokens (tied to FIAT and used for in-platform purchases) on the ALX/ALA exchange at a 20% discount, with full details available in our one pager.

The ALAX platform will be available to consumers and developers immediately after the TGE.

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ALAX intends to bring fresh air to the Gaming Industry worldwide. The purpose is to develop & support Mobile Games Distribution Platform in emerging markets.