Behind the Scenes-The ALAX Team

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5 min readMar 7, 2018

During our last few blogs, we introduced you to our tokens, answered a few of your questions and told you about our TGE. What we didn’t tell you, is, who is the driving force behind the project. Well, who are the fine individuals who sacrifice sweat, blood and tears (tears of joy of course!) to allow ALAX to reach its full potential? Here is the team that dreams are made of!

Matej Michalko

Matej’s interest in Blockchain began over seven years ago. Since then he has delved deep into the world of Bitcoin, Blockchain and Cryptocurrency. He used the knowledge he gained during his exploration of the technology to found DECENT and has been leading it as its CEO ever since. With a singular mindset of bringing Blockchain to the masses and to see it adapted throughout the world, he organized China’s first ever international Bitcoin Conference and also founded and led many others. Matej also founded the world’s first Bitcoin Marketing agency and the first Cryptocurrency e-Gaming Consulting Firm and served as a consultant on the Isle of Man. As you can see he brings a wealth of hands-on experience to the table, which is underlined by his unique managing style, he leads by example, he is always up to date on the inner workings of the team, trying to motivate them to perform at optimal levels. As founders go, you cannot find a person better suited for this role, as he always pours his heart and soul into the products he helps create.

Kalvin Feng

After gaining vast experience by working for global foreign companies, Kalvin founded Kason Technology, Inc. During his time there he gained extensive knowledge, focusing heavily on R&D and marketing. While working at Kason, his main area of expertise was the marketing of laptops, electronic components and mobile phones. The knowledge base he amassed was put to good use in his current position as the CEO of Dragonfly, a company dedicated to software, advertising and content development and big data analysis. Kalvin believes that games should be accessible to everyone not just the lucky few. So, with that idea in mind he set up on a path to see his vision come true, lucky for us his path crossed with Matej who has similar views on the subject and together they form the dream duo. With co-founders like that, you just can’t go wrong. Kalvin’s will to see the project through is one of his most admirable traits. He is always ready to lend the team a helping hand and to answer any questions they might have anytime of day and night.

Co-founders Kalvin Feng and Matej Michalko

Tomas Koprusak

If Matej and Kalvin are the Admirals of the fleet, then Tomas is the Captain of the ship, who guides it through the storms and calm seas with a steady hand. Starting of his career as a web developer with IBM, he quickly moved up the ranks at an incredible pace achieving the position of web execution specialist. From there he moved on to Sygic where he spent two years developing their online marketing and as a product manager for the Open Street Map project. One of the highlights of his career, was working at Smart media star as a product manager, focusing on a project that utilized big data analysis and had to be scalable, available and have immediate responsivity, a feat which was not easy to accomplish. Tomas is the full package as far as product leads go, he is able to carefully steer his team to achieve the desired results, while building a webpage and fulfilling his managing duties. Did we mention he has a wide array of programming languages at his disposal? HTML5, PHP, XHTML, jQuery and the list goes on.

Matej Nemcek

Matej is the resident wizard, but with less magic and more science. He is the brilliant backend engineer that makes sure everything works better than planned. His expertise in programming languages includes Express.js, ES2015 (ES6), FlowType, StandardJS, Vue.js, Bulma, PouchDB, Bootstrap, jQuery. So actually he is a full stack developer but he likes the title backend engineer more. He doesn’t just program, he teaches people how to do it themselves with his Node.js school. He also has a keen interest in cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, running nodes and programming smart contracts. He implemented his knowledge of smart contracts in SophiaTX. If he is not programming then he is organizing meetups in Progressbar (which he co-founded) trying to introduce people to the world of blockchain, by inviting guests from the field to share their experience.

Peter Student

Peter is our Head of Software development, or as we like to call him, the Man with Answers. If we ever stumble upon a tech problem we’d like to solve he has the solutions and if he doesn’t he’ll come up with them. As our software architect, he and his team help us implement our ideas in the form of technical solutions. As for his work history, he has almost eight years of experience in different fields that make him extremely proficient in his work. He co-founded one of the very first online marketing agencies in the Czech and Slovak Republic. Throughout his career he has been leading teams on various web based and mobile apps projects. Recently he worked as the Head of Software Development for Thirtyseventy Digital where he and his team were responsible for delivering global IoT initiatives for companies such as Electrolux and AEG.

If you are interested more in numbers, well ,then we have some for you. We have four community managers who are working around the clock to provide you with insights and answers, they are fun, highly motivated and lack the words “I don’t know” in their vocabulary. Our resident PR and Operations managers are dedicated to building our brand awareness working with the motto “Haven’t heard of us? Well you should have!”. Last, but in no way least, we have a team of developers on two continents doing their best to roll-out a product you will love and we will be proud of!

To find out more about the team visit our website, where you can read all the BIO’s of the people working on ALAX.

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ALAX intends to bring fresh air to the Gaming Industry worldwide. The purpose is to develop & support Mobile Games Distribution Platform in emerging markets.