Blockchain we can actually build on — DCore

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3 min readMar 13, 2018

As any developer worth his salt will tell you, you can’t build a project without a stable foundation. That’s why we chose DECENT’s DCore blockchain as the foundation on which we built ALAX.

Since our fans come from all walks of life and not all of them are technologically savvy let us run you through a brief intro. So, what is blockchain?

We can call it a distributed ledger or database, distributed meaning, that it exists on multiple computers at once. These ledgers, (imagine something like a huge book of records), usually contain different types of transactions such as purchases and orders which are organized into blocks and each of these blocks is timestamped. The timestamp itself will tell you when and by whom the block was created. Each of the timestamped blocks links to a previous block, forming a blockchain, so you probably now know how it got its name. All of this is secured by cryptography, ensuring that everyone’s copy of the distributed blockchain database is in sync and is immutable (you can add information but you can’t remove it).

You kind of have to agree that this is amazing computer engineering. Could you imagine a more secure and transparent system for sharing your data? We couldn’t. That’s why we chose DCore. Using its revolutionary technology gives you loads of advantages, such as using it to create your own custom tokens. If you’re looking for a similarly functioning system think of Ethereum and its ERC20 tokens. While there are a number of ways to use custom tokens, for ALAX, these tokens will behave just like credit used in mobile payment processing, providing a familiar user experience for ALAX customers while at the same time enabling instant and direct payment settlement for developers and publishers on their platform.

We have chosen DCore not only because we have access to DECENT team’s capabilities but due to the fact that DECENT uses DPoS (Delegated Proof of Stake) which is faster than Proof of Work used by Ethereum and Bitcoin. How fast? Five seconds. Still can’t wrap your head around it? That’s how long it takes an Aston Martin to reach a speed of 100 km/h, or for you to tie your shoelaces. Now let’s add volume to the speed, and you get up to 2000 transactions handled per second. You have to be impressed by that, we are! The most important thing is, that the platform, is suitable for creating additional features, is compliant and secure and also allows us to bring the product to market in accelerated fashion.

As an integral part of the DECENT ecosystem, all the things that you’ve come to love about this technology (fast transactions, low fees, DPoS, etc.) will be utilized by ALAX. Purchases within the new platform, as well as the small fees for miners, will also be fueled by DCT.

Don’t miss out on your chance to join the upcoming TGE which is planned for Tuesday 17 April 2018, 10:30AM UTC and will last 6 days.

We already discussed our tokens and answered a number of your questions. For more information on our project read up on our whitepaper. For the latest updates subscribe to our newsletter or join our telegram.




ALAX intends to bring fresh air to the Gaming Industry worldwide. The purpose is to develop & support Mobile Games Distribution Platform in emerging markets.