How to create a DECENT wallet a transfer DCT from Bittrex

$DCT holders pay attention! Extra 10% bonus can be yours!

3 min readApr 11, 2018


Some of you may know that ALAX is built on DCore — a digital content oriented blockchain developed by DECENT. We praise everyone who’s been supporting DECENT and holding its DCT coins. We wouldn’t be here without you! That’s why we’ve decided to give an extra 10% bonus to all participants contributing to the ALAX TGE with their DCT coins. How to get the most out of our TGE? All you need to do, is to participate in the first round of the ALAX TGE (10% bonus for the first round only) and at the same time, contribute with your DCT coins (another 10% bonus no matter what round). Voilà, you will be rewarded by an extra 20% of ALX tokens. Don’t miss out!

For you, dear DCT fans, here is a guide on how to create a DCT wallet and transfer DCT from Bittrex to your DECENT Wallet, so keep reading :-)

How to create a DECENT wallet

Step 1: Open

Step 2: Click the SIGN UP button:

Step 3: Fill up the following information:

Step 4: Agree to the Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and Processing of Personal Data:

Step 5: Click the SIGN UP button:

Step 6: Verify your email:

Step 7: After verifying your email address, you will have the option to generate a recovery phrase*:

*this option is recommended.

Step 8: Enjoy your DECENT wallet!

How To Transfer DCT from Bittrex to your DECENT Wallet

Step 1: Go to your Bittrex account, under wallets search for DCT and click the red button to withdraw DCT:

You will be asked for the Address, Quantity and a Tag (The Tag bar is optional, so you can leave it blank).

Step 2: In your DCT wallet, copy your Encrypted Alternate wallet address:

Step 3: Paste your wallet address in the Bittrex withdrawal window, under Address:

  • Enter the quantity of DCT you want to withdraw (note the transaction fee)
  • Complete by clicking Withdraw DCT
  • (You don’t need a Tag when withdrawing so you can leave this blank. It is optional.)

Step 4: Check your Email for the verification of the transaction — This may not happen every time, but if your withdrawal is “pending” you should check your email because they may have sent you a verification link in order to process your request.

Step 5: Enjoy your DCT Balance increase with your newly transferred funds!

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