GMGC Beijing 2018 — The Largest Game Conference in China

200+ Speakers, 16,000 industry professionals, 40+ countries

3 min readApr 3, 2018


The ALAX team attended The Global Game Conference, an event famous for hosting the biggest names of the gaming industry like EA, Tencent, Gameloft and many more. With more than 16,000 attendees, 200 speakers from over 40 countries, it was the perfect occasion for game developers and game enthusiasts, and therefore for ALAX, to network, share thoughts and discuss projects.

Our team was there, including both our co-founders, Matej Michalko and Kalvin Feng. Kalvin took the main stage to give his Keynote speech on the use cases of blockchain and its applications in the games market. He spoke on how blockchain can revolutionize the way we distribute games, and how the current system is becoming outdated, and also suggested that it is time to move forward and disrupt the current status-quo of the games market in Asia and Southeast Asia. By using blockchain and the benefits it provides, ALAX could lead by example and inspire others to adopt the technology for their own uses.

ALAX core team

Our co-founder spoke to the assembled audience, with enthusiasm, talking about how the current market does not give enough back to the developers, describing the painstaking process they have to go through to publish their games. “We should give developers better tools, so that they can build better games for our end users,” was the sentence that resonated the most with the crowd in the hall. Building on those words the speech focused in detail on how ALAX aims to do just that, providing developers with the necessary tools and simplifying processes so that they can focus more on developing games.

“We should give developers better tools, so that they can build better games for our end users,” said Kalvin Feng, Co-founder of

Kalvin Feng, Co-founder

While Kalvin was giving his speech, Matej and the rest of the team were busy on the conference floor with promoting ALAX and answering the related questions. Interacting with game developers and discussing their problems helped them to gather suggestions on what would make their lives easier when using the ALAX app store.

They say work hard, play hard. The organizers share that opinion and arranged an official party, so that the attendees could blow off some steam and network in a more relaxed setting. The event itself was a great success and we hope it has brought us many new supporters.

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ALAX intends to bring fresh air to the Gaming Industry worldwide. The purpose is to develop & support Mobile Games Distribution Platform in emerging markets.