How to Participate in the ALAX TGE:Step-by-Step Guide

Published in
4 min readApr 16, 2018

So, you decided to participate in our TGE? We appreciate your support!

Your TGE journey will begin on our landing page. It includes all the bells and whistles you can think of, like a countdown timer and progress bar that will notify you about the end of our TGE, and the number of tokens left.

If you don’t know what TGE stands for, it’s the short form of Token Generation Event. Although the title is self-explanatory, it means that it’s an event during which Tokens are generated, in our case ALX tokens.

ALAX landing page

Now let’s move on to how to join our TGE. Don’t worry we won’t require a sacrifice to the blockchain gods. :) It’s really straightforward, simple and clear. To start off you’ll have to click on the Contribute Button.

Start by clicking Contribute button

Step 1: Start by choosing one of the cryptocurrencies you want to contribute with. You can choose from the dropdown menu among Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, DECENT and SophiaTX.

The conversion rates of the cryptocurrencies used to calculate the ALX value will be determined by the 24 hour average from the cryptocurrency market lists ( and

Step 1: Choosing one of the cryptocurrencies you want to contribute with

Step 2: Write your email address in the highlighted field. Please make sure that your email is correct, because that’s where we will send the confirmation of your contribution and we also might require KYC!

Step 2: Write your email address

Step 3: Fill out your ETH address. Please DO NOT INPUT AN EXCHANGE ADDRESS! Enter the address of your ETH wallet. It has to be a wallet that is compatible with ERC-20 tokens, we recommend myetherwallet. You will receive your ALX tokens to this ETH address, so it is very important.

Step 3: Fill out your ETH address

Step 4: Read the Terms and Conditions and other checkboxes. If you agree with them, check the checkboxes and click continue.

Step 4: Read the Terms and Conditions and other checkboxes, if you agree check the checkboxes

Step 5A: A form will appear with the wallet address of the currency you have chosen. Send your contribution to this address by copying the address to your private wallet or scanning the QR code.

Step 5A: Send your contribution to the address shown

Step 5B: If you decided to contribute with DCT, after clicking on the Continue button you will be redirected to the website. Please log in to your DECENTGO Wallet by filling out your email and Password.

Sep 5B: Log in to your DECENTGO Wallet

Once you are logged in, your “Recipient E-mail or Username” together with a “Memo” will be prefilled automatically for you. If you have enabled 2FA authorization, please turn it off in Security -> Google authenticator -> OFF, to see prefilled information. You only need to write the amount of DCT you want to participate with in the “DCT Amount” bar.

Step 5B: You only need to write the amount of DCT you want to participate with

Click the “TRANSFER” button to confirm the payment

After your contribution is sent and then registered by us, you will receive a confirmation email. This email will contain your ETH wallet address where you will receive your ALX tokens, the amount you contributed and the link to the KYC.

Hold on! You might be asking “When will I receive my ALX tokens?”. The answer is: Within 14 days after the TGE. So, don’t freak out if you won’t see the tokens on your wallet immediately.

That’s it! We believe that if you follow this guide carefully, you won’t face any problems :-) So, don’t forget — The TGE starts on Tuesday 17 April, 10:30 a.m. UTC and will last 6 days, we offer a 10% bonus in the first round of the TGE to all participants (first round only) and another 10% bonus no matter what round for everyone who contributes with DCT coins.

ALAX to the moon!

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ALAX intends to bring fresh air to the Gaming Industry worldwide. The purpose is to develop & support Mobile Games Distribution Platform in emerging markets.