It’s Alive!

Our Pre-Qualification Request for Strategic and Digital Resources, that is.

Carita Chan
Alberta Digital Innovation Office
2 min readNov 27, 2019


We at the Digital Innovation Office (DIO) are so excited to share with you that our Pre-Qualification Request (PQR) for Strategic and Digital Resources has now gone live!

As Blair alluded to in his earlier post, we are seeking skills and talents to create modern product delivery teams to work with us and partner Ministries across the Government of Alberta. The PQR (lovingly dubbed Jean-Luc Piquer internally) is one mechanism that we are using.

What does Jean-Luc Picard have to do with the DIO? Everything. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)

How does the PQR work?

The PQR creates a list of qualified specialists that the DIO can contract with to be part of teams delivering agile service innovation in government.

In the PQR, we have outlined Resource Roles and the minimum required qualifications that will be used to establish Standing Offer Lists of Pre-Qualified Contractors.

As the need for services arises for the DIO and its partners, we will create and issue Statements of Work (SOWs) for specific Resource Roles to the appropriate Standing Offer Lists of Pre-Qualified Contractors. Pre-Qualified Contractors will have the opportunity to respond to these SOWs.

When Do I Need to Respond?

The PQR is open from now until November 30, 2022. Interested individuals and firms can respond at any time during that period to be considered for the pre-qualified lists. The First Intake Response Deadline is December 16, 2019, as the DIO would like to begin reviewing submissions and creating pre-qualified lists on December 17, 2019. The DIO is planning to release SOWs in the New Year.

PQR Roles

We hope that you will consider applying to or sharing the PQR if you are or know awesome:

  • Scrum Masters;
  • Agile Trainers;
  • Service Owners;
  • Full-Stack Developers;
  • Quality Assurance Automation Developers;
  • DevOps Specialists;
  • Digital Architects;
  • Front End Designers;
  • Service Designers;
  • Service Transformation Consultants;
  • Machine Learning Specialists; or
  • Data Analysts.

Please access PQR DIO-2019 through the Alberta Purchasing Connection.

