Coach Canova:my opinion about Sondre Moen in Fukuoka

Alberto Stretti
Alberto Stretti
Published in
3 min readDec 3, 2017

This morning Sondre Nordstad Moen won FukuokaMarathon in 2h05.48 realizing new European Record of Marathon and first ever european marathoner to run under 2h06 on 42195m.

Renato Canova is the coach of Moen and i spoke with him few minutes ago to discuss about this magnificent race.

Renato,how was the race?

Weather was perfect,from 14.1 to 14.7 C and Humidity between 55% and 57%.A easy wind that helped athletes.Pacing was perfect:14.59–30.00–44.59–60.01 and 63.19 at half. 1h30.07 at 30k,a little bit slower after the turn a little bit wind against athletes.I would like to say public thanks to Brett Robinson (Aus) for excellent job keeping the pace so regular till 23k.He was better than Tesla in Breaking2..))))..Good job also for Marius Kipserem who went to 30k very well.After 30k Sondre,Karoki,Osako and Stephen Kiprotich went away together but,after 35k only Sondre e Karoki.

From 30k and 35k Sondre ran 3k in 8.53 and from 33k to 35k in 5.44 ..totally 14.37. But from 35k to 40k Sondre did again 14.39 remaining alone:also for Karoki was impossible pace.Sondre ran from 30k to 40k in 29.16 with an easy stomach problem.

From 40k till finish line Sondre ran 6.24 on 2,195k with last 400m on track in 67sec (manual crono) with the only little uphill of the race.

How was ur impression about his race?

I am really satisfied for his race today but i am more satisfied for how he grew as personality.We works together only from one year and now he understood very well my way of training.He ran today last 12,195m at 2.55min medium without any problems:not so normal.An enormous impression he gave me today.A very competitive man surprised also me with a big improvement of his personality in race.

How was training for Fukuoka??

He worked in summer in mountains in Italy in Sestriere for 50days running also 220k per week and running also 45k longrun once.I was impressed about his choice of life to book an apartment alone (end season summer in Sestriere),living and training there alone for all days.After Valencia half he came in Kenya with me for second period of work.

10days ago we had a little problem during a long race of 40k when i volunteerly stopped him after 33k looking him quite tired and strange.

He did many times workouts around 27k 30k.For example he did one day 7x3000m all under 9min with a recovery km in 3.25. Difference between him and kenyans is they could run faster with slower recovery while he prefer to mantain what told.He did workouts also on track for example :2x3000m 3x2000m 5x1000m 6x500m in one day

What he can do in future?

Next year he will compete in only one marathon,no more!Would like to see him competing in Valencia Half WorldChamps and then would like to improve his base speed.A detailed program is too early to speak at this moment of the season.I cant say how fast he can run,for now i am really happy because he improved his slow run about 10–15sec .In 2018 i would like to improve his race speed for 2 sec more at km.

Helmut Winter

