How to Find Pleasure

Tips for creating a life you love

Viva Amor


Before you get too excited from reading the word “pleasure,” I’m going to stop you. I’m not talking about purely hedonistic, self-seeking, self-indulgent pleasures, I’m referring to the excitement and the ahh-that’s-good feeling you get from choosing experiences that soothe you.

Yes, sex is definitely one of life’s greatest pleasures. But that’s a little too obvious and a little too cliche, so try to place that in the back of your mind for now, you nymphos…

Pleasure and Play

I don’t know about you, but I often feel resentful at my body. This human experience is a little too much for me at times and I often feel like I want to shed my skin and be free.

Unfortunately, I haven’t found any good solution to that. Although, I have a feeling that’s the next anti-age product currently under development.

For years, I would feel trapped in this body, and it wasn’t until a friend of mine spoke words so true and liberating that I was able to find peace with this human existence.

He told me, “We’re only here for a short time and this body is meant for play and to feel, so why not take advantage of it?” Or at least that’s what I think he said, I was too busy feeling how good my hair felt between my…

