How to Write for Alchemize — We’d Love to Have You!

Our submission guidelines

Viva Amor


Photo by Kristopher Roller on Unsplash

Are you looking to get published on Alchemize? You’re in luck because we just opened up applications for new writers! Now is the best time to get noticed and added as a contributor.

Please read below for guidelines of the type of work we publish and how to submit your article or poem.

What We Look For

What we’re looking for at Alchemize is great writing from a standpoint of transforming an obstacle or negative situation into something of beauty. We’re currently looking for poems and personal narratives; use your painful life experiences and alchemize them into a lesson learned.

We want to inspire people to understand that they’re not alone and that while life can be painful, it is our choices that make us who we are and can transform how we see the world.

Before you submit your work, please read the following in full as it will provide you guidelines and a better shot at getting published.

For personal narratives:

Send us quality work that has a positive spin on a difficult situation. You don’t need to be obsessively pandering to the optimistic, but rather, share your vulnerability and your rawness and you’ll see how this…

